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Howto install Sophos 5 silent?

Doc Symbiosis

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Hi there,

I've tried to find a way to install sophos 5 silently, but hadn't any success.

Allthough I don't like AutoIT, I wrote the following script

AutoItSetOption("TrayIconHide", 0)
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)

;open Setup

;Welcome Screen
WinWaitActive("Sophos Anti-Virus Installations-Wizard")

;Choose folder
WinWaitActive("Sophos Anti-Virus Installations-Wizard")

;Choose data for automatic updates ( enter data later )
WinWaitActive("Sophos Anti-Virus Installations-Wizard")

;Start installation
WinWaitActive("Sophos Anti-Virus Installations-Wizard")

;Finish installation
WinWaitActive("Sophos Anti-Virus Installations-Wizard")

Problem is, that the last ENTER to finish the installation isn't send.

I would be glad to get any help.

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