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Adding user problem

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In my install I use cmdline to set up users on the machine. All users show as administrators but also as users also. I want each user added to be admin only. Also even with the maxpwage line added, I still have to check Password never expires box on each user account. Any ideas??? Jim E.

net user jethredge xxxxxx /add

net localgroup Administrators jethredge /add

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

net user jwilkinson xxxxxx /add

net localgroup Administrators jwilkinson /add

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

net user jmason xxxxxx /add

net localgroup Administrators jmason /add

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited


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To set the expiring of passwords globally use the following line:

net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited

Don't know, how to set this for a single user.

You only have to run this command once, cause it's set per machine, but you should take care to run this command before creating the new users.

The other users are members of the groups users and administrators, because when they are created, they are added to the users group and then you add them to the administrators group. So you just have to remove the new created administrators from the users group with the, so e.g.

net user jmason xxxxxx /add
net localgroup Administrators jmason /add
net localgroup users jmason /delete

Edited by Doc Symbiosis
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