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office 2003 silent installer problem help me

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Guest zipzapdhoom

hi my silent installer of office 2003 gives following error and rollbacks the hole process plz help me.

Detected Windows Info:

PlatformId = 2

MajorVersion = 5

MinorVersion = 1

ServicePackLevel = 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Launch Setup

2/19/2006 12:29:02 PM

Setup path: C:\office\SETUP.EXE

Trying to get version of



C:\office\SETUP.EXE is version 11.0.5510.0

Current version of Setup.exe: 11.0.5510.0

Searching for .INI file: SETUP.INI


Settings file located: C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI

GetTempPath returned: C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\

Setup has detected a previously failed installation - Verbose Logging ON

Reading settings file


Located: C:\office\PRO11.MSI

Package to install: C:\office\PRO11.MSI

Reading from "C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Product\SkipLangCheck" (Default: 0)

Value: 0

Reading from "C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Product\CheckUpdates" (Default: 0)

Value: 0

Product {90110409-6000-11D3-8CFE-0150048383C9} is not installed for the user.

Checking for Windows Installer....


.. succeeded.

Checking for any beta version of the product.

dwNoLtCoExist = 0

Reading from "C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\CDCache" (Default: 0)

Value: auto


Writing Task: Main - Microsoft Office 2003

Path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe


Looking for setup tasks to process.

2/19/2006 12:29:02 PM WaitForMsiExecDone...

2/19/2006 12:29:02 PM WaitForMsiExecDone exits

Verifying install package is available

Reading from "C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\CDCache" (Default: 0)

Value: auto

Reading from "C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\Purge" (Default: 0)

Value: 0

Reading from "C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\DeletableCache" (Default: 0)

Value: 1

Couldn't locate download information file (C:\office\PRO11.xml)

Couldn't perform local caching.

DWSETUPLOGFILE="C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001).txt"

DWMSILOGFILE="C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt"

Command Line Logging Parameters: /lpiwaeov "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt" LOGVERBOSE=1

2/19/2006 12:29:02 PM

Executing Task:

Microsoft Office 2003

"C:\WINDOWS\system32\msiexec.exe" /I C:\office\PRO11.MSI LAUNCHEDFROMSETUP="1" SETUPEXEPATH="C:\office\" SETUPEXENAME="SETUP.EXE" /lpiwaeov "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt" LOGVERBOSE=1 CDCACHE="0" DWSETUPLOGFILE="C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001).txt" DWMSILOGFILE="C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\Microsoft Office 2003 Setup(0001)_Task(0001).txt"

Type: msi

Ignore Return Values: False

Reboot: False

Successfully launched MsiExec....

2/19/2006 12:29:09 PM Chained install return code: 1602

Shutting down chained setup processing.

***** Setup exits

2/19/2006 12:29:09 PM

(return = 1602)

  • 2 weeks later...


I had similar problems with the installer roll back and found it to be related to the type of Profile that was selected in the Custom Install Wizard. "Apply PRF" didn't work.

However, I see you are trying to do a Chain Install. I have tried this with the Service Pack files located on a CD and it has failed. Somewhere on one of the forums (I forget which one) it was indicated that Chain Installs do NOT work when the install files are located on a CD. The KB 902988 says the Office CD files should be located on a network share.

  • 2 years later...

I ran into exactly the same problem: my unattended O2K3-installation stops with an 1602-error :blushing:

When I install it from my HDD everything works fine, but running it unattended via RunOnce from my nLited XP-CD doesn't work...

Does anybody has an idea, how I could solve this problem?

Best regards

cool400 :ph34r:


Error 1602 / ERROR_INSTALL_USEREXIT is 'User cancel installation.'

Not very helpful, huh?

To start, are you deploying from an Administrative Installation Point (AIP) or is this compressed source?

Reading from "C:\office\FILES\SETUP\SETUP.INI": "Cache\CDCache" (Default: 0)

Value: auto

CDCACHE="0" should probably be CDCACHE=0. You can see that your switch is not working here where it seems to be reading 'auto' instead of your specified '0' value.


Start trimming some of the switches back and see what breaks it. I haven't even seen some of those used before. If they're necessary, can you document here why you are using some of them?

These are my notes and basic process for Office 2003, lengthy, but comprehensive. --

1. Obtain the 'clean' installation source for the VLK version of Office 2003. (Either the eOpen website or installation media will work.)

2. Copy it to a local folder for modification. I chose C:\office2k3.

3. Replace Setup.exe in the install root with the one from the self-extracting EntSetup.exe (http://www.microsoft.com/office/orkarchive/2003ddl.htm) This enables additional functionality for enforcing localized installation source which will be used later.

4. In your installation tree you should see a 'FILES' directory. Under this directory, create a new one named 'PATCHES'.

5. Using WinRAR or the command-line, extract each service pack and hotfix to the directory created in step 4. You do not need further subfolders. All files can coexist at this level. The installer will handle prioritizing of the service pack and hotfixes.

6. Under 'PATCHES', open OHotFix.ini with a text editor and 'OHotfixUILevel'. Set it to 'q' for silent deployment.

7. Install the Office 2003 Resource Kit (http://www.microsoft.com/office/orkarchive/2003ddl.htm) and open the Custom Installation Wizard. You'll create a MST file that is used at installation to fine tune setup options including the installation key. Save this MST file to the same path as PRO11.msi. I even borrowed PRO11 for the filename and went with PRO11.mst for convenience.

8a. The rest of the deployment preparation will occur in Setup.ini, find it under FILES\SETUP. Make a backup of this file. I recommend using setup.ini.bak. You can always then roll back to the unedited version when you mess something up!

8b. Locate the [MST] section of Setup.ini and reference the created MST file. If you placed the file in the same path as the installer and MSI, you don't need a path. My line looks like MST=PRO11.MST.

8c. We'll need to manipulate the installation GUI so that it will run without user interaction. Under [DISPLAY] set Display=reduced. This is equivalent to qb- at the command-line so you get the progress indicator.

8d. The next step is to setup version control. I'm sure I'll be adding hotfixes and changing tweaks in the MST file. Let's start keeping track of that stuff. I figured a good way to do it, would be to log a version number using the date of modification in the installation log. Under [LOGGING], I set the filename using Template=Microsoft Office 2003 Setup YEARMMDD(*).txt

The date will coincide with a changelog entry in CHANGELOG.txt which I've created in the installation root. Now when I later go to a machine that has a problem, I can tell what's been fixed since that particular installation by getting the date from log file in the %WINDIR% folder. I'll know if that particular problem has been fixed.

8e. The next step is to enforce a localized installation cache or repair/reinstall. Many remote users have needed this and it's been broken since we started using Administrative Installation Point (AIP) to deploy office. (Note: we are no longer using AIP.) Fix it, with [Cache]


8f. The last step is to setup the chained installs. These run after Office setup completes in numerical order starting with the Service Packs and Hotfixes.


TaskName=Integrate SP3 and Hotfixes





TaskName=Install File Format Compatibility for Office 2007





Setup can be ran now manually by double clicking setup.exe or by script with no need for commandline arguments. Everything is conveniently handled with setup.ini. As new updates are released, extract them and place the MSP file in the PATCHES directory then create the entry in your CHANGELOG to note the change. Don't forget to also update the date in setup.ini

Some references:






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