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Sound Control for Win2000


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Not sure if it is possible for drive openning/closing but you can have a look in your regestry keys using my tweak for enabling sounds on receiving e-mails:


AddReg = Reg.Tweaks

; Sound on receiving e-mails

There are some other events you can assign sounds to.

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1. Install any sound scheme or define sound to the events manually through Control Panel.

2. Export this register key


3. Explore :D

PS I have not tried it but you can download some programs for advanced sound schemes and then explore your registry too. Maybe you can find according values for openning/closing drives ;)

Edited by Oleg_II
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Hi Oleg,

Not being an expert at code, how do I do step #2?

There must be some nice customizeable software out there, as I remember on my old Win95 being able to assign sounds to events like each key stroke...


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OK. You can just search for 'sound schemes' in Google and find a good program if you wish. I saw one or two before.

You can navigate to the registry key I specified by:

1. Click on Start button.

2. Click on Run...

3. Type 'regedit' and press enter.

4. Select Edit from the menu.

5. Select Find...

6. Enter 'Schemes' and confirm OK.

7. Navigate to the key.

But if you unaware of regestry editing it could be dangerous for you because some changes to the regestry may lead to the computer not working right on not working at all. Don't take it personally but maybe it would be safe to find a program for defining sound schemes. You could go back to registry editing after you 'play' with computer lot enough :)

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