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Please Help! How to add drivers to Unattended RIS installation

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Hi all!

I have a headache of getting a drivers to be installed on clients throw my RIS installation

I think that I have done every single configuration but still nothing.

It's drive me crazy.


My RIS server is Windows Server 2003 with SP1 with CD created image on it.

Folders have a following structure







\Video etc.....



OsLoadOptions = "/noguiboot /fastdetect"

SetupSourceDevice = "\Device\LanmanRedirector\%SERVERNAME%\RemInst\%INSTALLPATH%"


OemPreinstall = Yes

OemPnpDriverPath =




DriverSigningPolicy = Ignore

WaitForReboot = No

AutoActivate = Yes

FileSystem = LeaveAlone

ExtendOEMPartition = 0

TargetPath = \WINDOWS

OemSkipEula = yes


LegacyNIC = 1


FullName = "Company name"

OrgName = "Company name"

ComputerName = MyPC



CountryCode = 46

Dialing = Tone

AreaCode = 0418


OemSkipWelcome = 1

OemSkipRegional = 1

TimeZone = 110

AdminPassword = "*"


BitsPerPel = 32

XResolution = 1024

YResolution = 768

VRefresh = 60


Language = 1053




UserLocale_DefaultUser = 1053






JoinWorkgroup = WORKGROUP


Repartition = Yes

UseWholeDisk = Yes




Description ="Microsoft Windows XP Professional CD based"

Help ="Automatically installs Microsoft Windows XP Professional without prompting the user for input."

LaunchFile = "%INSTALLPATH%\%MACHINETYPE%\templates\startrom.com"

ImageType =Flat

Version="5.1 (2600)"

Please help!


The IT Lady


Have all of your drivers been extracted? If you can install devices by pointing them at the correct folder when using device manager, they should install properly during Windows setup. If you point the device at the folder and the driver doesn't install, you've got some work to do. It's the best way to test if you've gotten the drivers extracted properly or not for Windows installation - if it works by manually using the device manager to install the devices by pointing the update wizard at the proper folder, it'll work during Windows setup.


You can also try to put them directly in the I386 folder and after that restart the Remote Installation Service.

That did the job for me.



Try it without the "". They don't belong there.

So OemPnpDriversPath=drivers\blabla

Furthermore, watch the spelling. It's OemPnpDriversPath, not OemPnpDriverPath


Thanks for your suggestions but nothing helps.

Is there anything else I need to know or?

I have tried with several computer models but any of drivers want to install.

What I doing wrong?



Is the registry being populated by the OEMPnPDriversPath section? Is the driver directory being copied down?

Don't you need a OemFilesPath=\\server_name\distribution_share under the [unattended] section in order to see the OEM section? I know you do with XP.

BTW we use "" in the OEMPnPDriversPath statement and it works fine.


Posted (edited)


I would move the "Drivers" folder into $OEM$. That will work.

Make sure $OEM$ is at the same level as i386 - not inside it. MS documentation is wrong in this account as it tells you to place $OEM$ inside i386. This is incorrect. $OEM$ should be alongside i386.

Good luck,


Edited by Fencer128
Make sure $OEM$ is at the same level as i386 - not inside it. MS documentation is wrong in this account as it tells you to place $OEM$ inside i386. This is incorrect. $OEM$ should be alongside i386.

For a CD install this is correct, but for a network install the $oem$ dir should be inside the i386 dir. The OemFilesPath statement should point to the root of the i386 dir in your distribution share. Without this statement, the $oem$ dir and all subdirs will be ignored. The driver dir should in fact be in the \$oem$\$1 dir.


Posted (edited)
Make sure $OEM$ is at the same level as i386 - not inside it. MS documentation is wrong in this account as it tells you to place $OEM$ inside i386. This is incorrect. $OEM$ should be alongside i386.

For a CD install this is correct, but for a network install the $oem$ dir should be inside the i386 dir. The OemFilesPath statement should point to the root of the i386 dir in your distribution share. Without this statement, the $oem$ dir and all subdirs will be ignored. The driver dir should in fact be in the \$oem$\$1 dir.


Yep - I forgot. $1 it is.

However, for a RIS install the $OEM$ folder should be alongside the i386 folder NOT inside it.

Check out http://www.windowsitpro.com/Windows/Articl...0280/20280.html for verification of this.

For a network (non-RIS) install - whatever that is - then the $OEM$ should be placed within i386, apparently. Never had a chance to try this so don't know if it's correct.

I haven't created any special path entries in any sif file so I don't think I'm doing anything out of the ordinary.


Edited by Fencer128
Is the registry being populated by the OEMPnPDriversPath section? Is the driver directory being copied down?

Don't you need a OemFilesPath=\\server_name\distribution_share under the [unattended] section in order to see the OEM section? I know you do with XP.

BTW we use "" in the OEMPnPDriversPath statement and it works fine.



What do you mean by " Is the registry being populated by the OEMPnPDriversPath section?"

/The IT Lady

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