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Included here is a registry file I've compiled from various sources. I use this reg file after every new install and find it to save massive amounts of time when it comes to tweaking a new installation. Some of the tweaks are based on user prefrence, be sure and go through and read what each tweak does and edit the file as you see fit. If you have any suggestions, changes, or questions please feel free to reply to this tread.

Here it is:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;XP and 2k3
;This will allow you to autologin.
;Replace DefaultUserName value with the Username you want to autologin with.
;Replace DefaultPassword value with the password corresponding to the Username specified.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]

;2k3 Only
;This gets rid of the shutdown reason dialog.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Reliability]

;2k3 Only?
;This will disable Ctrl+Alt+Del when loggin in, unlocking, and resuming from standby.

;2k3 Only?
;Adds User Accounts applet to Control Panel
@="User Accounts"
"InfoTip"="Starts The Windows 2000 style User Accounts dialog"
@="Control Userpasswords2"
@="Add Userpasswords to Control Panel"

;XP and 2k3
;Win32PrioritySpearation sets the CPU priority.
;IRQXPriority: set the number to the IRQ of the system clock, there is some controversy if this actually does anything.

;XP and 2k3
;These settings work best for machines with 512MB+ of RAM.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

;XP and 2k3
;Changes Windows Prefetch parameters.  Reccomended settings: 2 Boot Files Only, 3 Programs and Boot Files, 5 Improved Program and Boot Files.
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters]

;XP and 2k3
;Unload DLLs after they are not being used, saves memory after a program is terminated.
;It is not clear which key actually does the trick, so I've included both.

;XP and 2k3
;Opens 16-bit apps in a seperate memory space, this increases stability when dealing with 16-bit apps.

;XP and 2k3
;This allows boot files to be placed optimally on the hard-drive for faster boots.

;XP and 2k3
;These NTFS tweaks improve file system performance.

;XP and 2k3
;Kills services aftr 5 seconds, if it is hung, instead of default 20.  Faster shutdown.

;XP and 2k3
;Gets rid of Places Bar in Common Dialog Boxes.

;XP and 2k3
;AutoEndTasks, HungAppTimeout, WaitToKillAppTimeout, and ForegroundLockTimeout improve shutdown time or application response if applications are hung.
;MenuShowDelay is the time in milliseconds that it takes for a menu to pop out when hovered over.  The default is 400.
;PaintDesktopVersion writes the OS version and build info on the bottom right of the desktop.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

;XP and 2k3
;NoLowDiskSpaceChecks won't check if you are low on diskspace and pop up a balloon telling you.
;NoInstrumentation disables windows user tracking.
;NoRecentDocsmenu removes the recent documenst from the startmenu.
;NoSMHelp removes help from the startmenu.

;XP and 2k3
;DisableThumbnailCache disables thumbnail caching.
;EnableBalloonTips disables BalloonTips.

;XP and 2k3
;Increases the number of concurrent downloads from a site (default 2).
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

;XP and 2k3
;Removes links folder from favorites.
;Delete C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Favorites\Links after applying this tweak.
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar]

;XP and 2k3
;Removes Recycle Bin from Desktop.

;XP and 2k3
;Speeds up viewing of network shares.
[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace\{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF}]

;XP and 2k3
;Removes Shared Documents from My Computer

;XP and 2k3
;Removes Recycle Bin from Desktop.

;XP and 2k3
;Speeds up access to AVI files.

;XP and 2k3
;Removes Briefcase, Document, and Rich-Text-Document from New Menu.

;XP and 2k3
;Removes shortcut arrow.

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