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Help with a .bat file

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I've created the following .bat file.

1) I would like these programs once executed to minimize.

2) I would like to add a line that would execute a program within a folder. ie opera\opera.exe

Here is what I have:

@echo off

start ypops.exe

start PortableThunderbird.exe


Your help would be appreciated. Thanks

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Here is a Vbs script that uses CMD Promt to start notepad.exe and start the CMD session in a min state

I have added all the state for stating things as a constant for the VBS script that can be used.

This color text is the constant used by the vbs file

Const Hidden = 0, Normal = 1, Min = 2, Max =3, Recent = 4, Current_Size = 5,Min_ActiveSame = 7,Defualt_Call_State_ByApp =10

Dim Act

Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Act.Run("%Comspec% /C Echo Off && Mode 55,5 && Color F3 && Title Test CMD Min" _

& "&& start /Min Notepad.exe && Echo. && Echo This Is A Test && Pause"),Min_ActiveSame,True

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Here is a Vbs script that uses CMD Promt to start notepad.exe and start the CMD session in a min state

I have added all the state for stating things as a constant for the VBS script that can be used.

This color text is the constant used by the vbs file

Const Hidden = 0, Normal = 1, Min = 2, Max =3, Recent = 4, Current_Size = 5,Min_ActiveSame = 7,Defualt_Call_State_ByApp =10

Dim Act

Set Act = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

Act.Run("%Comspec% /C Echo Off && Mode 55,5 && Color F3 && Title Test CMD Min" _

& "&& start /Min Notepad.exe && Echo. && Echo This Is A Test && Pause"),Min_ActiveSame,True

Thank you for your reply.

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