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XP64 freezes for 25 seconds !


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I have a Dell Precision Workstation 670 running on XP-64bit, 2.0GB Ram with an NVIDIA Quadro FX 3400/4400 512MB video card, driver version , with dell 19' dual LCD monitors.

I run 3D software like 3d studio 7.0 Autodesk, Adobe After Effects, Photoshop, Maya Alias Wavefront and more multimedia and compositing programs.

The problem that I have is that every time that I am using the software maximize on both monitors for a while and then I minimize to go to the desktop the computer will freeze for at least 25 seconds or more, the machine will do this also every time I jump from one aplication to another aplications.

I checked my virtual memory and is fine I also checked on the video card settings and everthing looks fine.

...any clue?



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do any errors come up, programs stop responding (as in you have to exit them), or anything besides being really slow?

How long has this been happening, since you installed, or just recently?

If its just really slow i would check what processes you have running in the b-ground.

Are you overclocking?

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No errors comes up or programs stop responding when the computer freezes, the machine is really fast I have no complaints with the speed, this started to happen from day one... since I purchased the computer 3 months ago, I am not over clocking.... by the way the machine has a dual Intel Xeon Processor 3.00GHz, 2MB L2 Cache.



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