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win xp networking trouble


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Hello all, I've got an interesting problem in one of the computers at my research lab. We have a multiplataform network with some machines running win 98 and others xp. We can't have all running xp because some of the old ones are PII and will simply not run it. One of the machines running xp develoiped an interesting anomaly that I really can't fix. The machine appears in the network and from it you can access any computer in the lab, however if you try to access that particular machine from any other computer in the network the following message appears "\\Dragon is not accesible. You might not have permission to use this resource. COntact your network admin to find out if you have access permits". It is clear that the network card works fine, other wise the computer would not get on the internet or conect to any of the other computers in the lab. I ran the network wizard in the machine and that did not fix the problem. I even contacted the people at IT services at the university and they simply said "we don't know what it is try buying a new computer" So, does anyone have any ideas?

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Going on the limited information supplied, I am assuming the the other PCs are trying to connect to a share on this XP PC in a Microsoft file and print sharing environment?

*Check that this PC has Microsoft file and print sharing enabled in the TCP/IP settings on the NIC.

*If enabled, make sure that the Server service is started. If not start it, and also the Computer Browser service. Sharing relies on the Server service. It may be worth manually stopping and starting this service, and then trying to connect to it with another PC.

*Check the permissions on the share. You may need to uncheck the simple file sharing to get access to the security settings.

*Try connecting by IP address, i.e. \\ip_address\share_name

Sorry if this is not your setup, or if I am overstating the obvious. What university?

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Thanks for the suggestions. In order:

- the networking card is working fine, I can ping the computer from any of the other ones in the lab, I can even transfer files from that particular computer to any other computer in the lab

-I have not changed any of the policy settings in the pc so far, I will try that next

- File print and sharing is installed and working, I can use the network printer no problem

- I tried connecting to the ip address but it gives me the same error answer, it is not my setup I am just the grad student who fixes things when the guys at IT services at the U. of Windsor can't.

One thing that I forgot to add was that the computer was working fine 2 weeks ago, then the IT service people banned the IP address because of a virus in the machine the IP address was restored but the error persisted.

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It seems to me that the DHCP or DNS server, depending on network topology needs to be updated. Either that or the machines need to clear their NetBT and DNS caches, you can do that by simply restoring the network connection... Or have you already tried that?

If you have, then try changing the IP of the computer affected, or move it to a different physical connection to the ethernet.

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Considering the fact that this PC had a virus, I would vote in favour of a rebuild. In my experience, this is often the quickest way to resolve issues where the root cause is difficult to identify. The last thing I would try is uninstalling the NIC, rebooting and then reinstalling when it is picked up by XP, just in case the virus attacked the IP stack, or just plain got corrupted. It may also be worth talking to the Comms guys who disconected you, in case they have not re-enabled the port properly. Good luck mate, from University of Cardiff.

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