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user management with a kb shortcut?


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one of the school admins here just came to me and said that some students were downloading a program (she does not know the name of it) and were pressing a shortcut key (supposedly crtl + alt + shift + f) and being able to view and possibly change usernames and passwords on the (domain i believe)

we run a windows 2003 server and all the workstations have XP Professional

any thoughts as to what this might be?

keep in mind that the kid could have been bulls***ting about kb shortcuts or whatever.

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You would have to give us a few more details... I know of no specific program that uses that key combo to do that...

However, what are the security privs of the students, what patches have you applied, and whats the skilz of the students... Its quite possible that one of them developed their own application to exploit a flaw in windows...

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Maybe it is old, but for example


An attacker who successfully exploited this vulnerability could gain the same privileges as the user. Users whose accounts are configured to have fewer privileges on the system would be at less risk than users who operate with administrative privileges.
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