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Forcing instalation of drivers


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Lets say i have this project. I would like to have a CD with drivers for 10 diffrent computers. I would put all drivers there, each in separate dir etc. Is it possible to force Windows 2000 and/or XP to go thru the dirs and find drivers for all devices that aren't fully installed (for example lan drivers/graphic) without too much intervation of end-user? Automated process just like unattended install of programs goes. I don't want drivers to be included onto Windows CD. I want it to have a separate phase. Hope you guys know what i mean? :)


Some sort of a script or something, batch file..

Edited by MadBoy
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www.altiris.com/docs/partners/ Single%20Image%20for%20Dell%20PowerEdge%20Servers.pdf

You meant that PDF. And i have read it thru but i haven't found anything that would be usefull for me. Anyone else that could help?

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After some reasearch i managed to get to some point:

REM Finds cd-rom
set tagfile=\DRIVER_00
for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:

REM Drivers Path

REM Enable installation of unsigned drivers
start %CDDRIVE%\BIN\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe

REM Starts Device Manager

I want to find a way to make Windows 'refresh' all devices and Update drivers for all devices that doesn't have them (so it would take them from CD). As i noticed doing it by hand (from Device Manager that was started by script) i had to delete not working DEVICE and click REFRESH. It worked but i had to do several steps afterwards (as in many more clicks ;p). I want it to be more automated. Anyone have some idea?

I'm sure it can be done with AutoIT or so but that's a lot of code to do, maybe there's a simpler way?

PS. Responding to my own posts seems to be a bit boring practice :/

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  • 2 weeks later...

You need something like IBM's "Software Installer". I want to integrate that into unattended install. It searches directories that you specify for drivers (will even go to IBM.com to look for updated drivers and download), then you can upgrade/downgrade/remove whichever drivers it finds.

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