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Uploading Files in Perl

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I am trying to figure out how to allow a user to select multiple files and upload them

I found the following site http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/forms/file.html which seemed a little dated. It discussed using the html form element to do the initial select and then use a server side scrip to deal with the data, well about 2/3rds of the way down said the following:

"Note the plural "files" - the idea is clearly that one such field should allow the inclusion of several files.

Note that there is nothing an author needs to do, and nothing he can do, to make a browser allow the selection of several files per input field. It depends on the browser whether that is possible. "

It seems like there should be some way to allow a multi select, but so far I am hitting dead ends (A few other websites have said the same thing). I dont want to have X fields where a user has to select each file individually then can upload them all at one time - Though if a user could select X files at once and then X textboxes would appear with a location in each that would be fine.

If anyone knows of a way to do this or has some suggestions that would be great!

PHP might be an option, I'd have to see if the host supports it and if I have the time to rewrite the page.


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