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Any detail guide to SLIPSTREAM programs to Win2K?

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I tried to slipstream these updated programs into win2K, but none worked for me leh....

DirectX 9.0C - I followed the guide in this forum and did everything the same. But when the installation reaches to the end, it prompts me to the screen where i have to click 'Yes' or 'No'.... Tried many times and no luck.....

WMP9 - Tried slipstreaming the way like wmp10, but it doesn't work at all.....

IE6SP1 - Can't even find a detail guide on it.....

The only thing i managed to silent install is .Net framework.....

Can any kind souls help a newcomer here??

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WMP9 - Tried slipstreaming the way like wmp10, but it doesn't work at all.....
Of course taht won't work. The slipstream program is meant for XP based installs because it comes with WMP9. 2000 comes with 7.0 if memory serves, and it's files are radically different.
DirectX 9.0C - I followed the guide in this forum and did everything the same. But when the installation reaches to the end, it prompts me to the screen where i have to click 'Yes' or 'No'.... Tried many times and no luck.....

No idea what you're talking about.


Everything in there is compatible across all the platforms (except the /INTEGRATE switch for hotfixes). The only thing NOT covered in there is IE6, in which there are MANY posts on it in this and the WIndows 2000 forum. Some deal with direct integration while others create an SFX file that installs IE silently.

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This is my win2k svcpack.inf; not all update are installed but ie dirtectx an WMP are ok

;Windows 2000
Signature="$Windows NT$"



"ie6setup.exe /Q:A /R:N"
"MP9ita.exe /Q:A /R:N"
"dxsetup.exe /silent"
KB823559.exe -u -z –q
KB823182.exe -u -z –q
KB824105.exe -u -z –q
Q828026.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB826232.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB825119.exe -u -z –q
KB828035.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB329115.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB828749.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
"Q832483.exe /C:""dahotfix.exe /q /n"" /q:a"
KB835732.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB828741.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB837001.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB839645.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB841533.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB841872.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB840987.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB841356.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB841873.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB842526.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB840315.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB870669.exe /Q:A /R:N
KB885835.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB885836.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB871250.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB885492.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB873339.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB890175.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB873333.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB888113.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB885250.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB891781.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB842773.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB894320.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB890859.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB893086.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB893066.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB833989.exe /Q:A /R:N
KB890923.exe /passive /norestart /quiet
KB820888.exe -u -z -q
KB822831.exe -u -z -q
KB823980.exe -u -z -q
KB824151.EXE /q
KB887797.exe /q /n /z
"dotnetfx.exe /q /c:""msiexec /I netfx.msi /qn"""
"KB867460.exe /Q /I"
KB886903.exe /Q
"langpack.exe /q /c:""msiexec /I langpack.msi /qn"""
"KB867460.exe /qb"


Please use codebox tag for such a long post.

Thank you

Edited by xper
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