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Windows XP Professional or Home


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Which is the best to go for out of XP Professional and XP Home?

Is one more stable than the other?

Basically we need to order our field staff new laptops which they will be using mostly for word and e-mail and we need to know whether is worth paying extra for XP Professional.



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One is not more stable than the other?

Professional adds more options with HDD to use like Volumes, Group Policy settings, etc.

You have to look at these features. It is what is under the hood that counts, as they say. ;)

A laptop with Home maybe sufficient? Has networking etc. just as good.

Professional is my choice, as no limits, but if you do not have the knowledge to use already, then...maybe it is a waste of money?

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If you have ntfs on your windows xp home hp do you show your options for permisisopns. The check box for simple file permissions is not there. Is there anythign that can be done? This must be pretty rare beacuse, ntfs is usally not used at home with home.

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