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[newb] local printer script

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Hey everyone,

At first i'm dutch so my English is'nt that good. I'm sorry for that.

I would like to make a script that add's a printer through tcp/ip. At the internet I found some things, but that was all for a network printer (wich I don't need). At this site stands how you can add a lokal printer throug tcp/ip, but i don't get that. also is that with 2 file's and i think it could also with 1 "simple" VBscript. the data of the local printer that needs to be added are:


Name printer: Hewlett-Packard (got to check model it's laserprinter I know)

it's for a printer at my school and i dont know the exact model of the printer. next wednesday i know it as soon as posible cause i have not earlyer school. i hope i gave you enough information. if not... ask me


(hope you can read my bad English)

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Here's some more information on the command itself.

Usage: rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry [options] [@commandfile]

/a[file] binary file name

/b[name] base printer name

/c[name] unc machine name if the action is on a remote machine

/dl delete local printer

/dn delete network printer connection

/dd delete printer driver

/e display printing preferences

/f[file] either inf file or output file

/ga add per machine printer connections

/ge enum per machine printer connections

/gd delete per machine printer connections

/h[arch] driver architecture one of the following, Alpha | Intel | IA64 | x64

/ia install printer driver using inf file

/id install printer driver using add printer driver wizard

/if install printer using inf file

/ii install printer using add printer wizard with an inf file

/il install printer using add printer wizard

/in add network printer connection

/j[provider] print provider name

/k print test page to specified printer, cannot be combined with command when installing a printer

/l[path] printer driver source path

/m[model] printer driver model name

/n[name] printer name

/o display printer queue view

/p display printer properties

/q quiet mode, do not display error messages

/r[port] port name

/s display server properties

/Ss Store printer settings into a file

/Sr Restore printer settings from a file

Store or restore printer settings option flags that must be placed at the end of command:



c Color Profile

d PrinterData

s Security descriptor

g Global DevMode

m Minimal settings

u User DevMode

r Resolve name conflicts

f Force name

p Resolve port

/u use the existing printer driver if it's already installed

/t[#] zero based index page to start on

/v[version] driver version one of the following, Windows 95, 98 and Me | Windows NT 4.0 | Windows NT 4.0 or 2000 | Windows 2000 or XP | Windows XP

/w prompt the user for a driver if specified driver is not found in the inf

/y set printer as the default

/Xg get printer settings

/Xs set printer settings

/z do not auto share this printer

/Y do not auto generate a printer name

/K changes the meaning of /v and /h to accept 0,1,2,3, respectively for Windows x64 and Windows IA64 | Windows NT x86 | Windows NT Alpha_AXP | Windows 4.0

/Z share this printer, can only be used with the /if option

/? help this message

@[file] command line argument file

/Mw[message] show a warning message before committing the command

/Mq[message] show a confirmation message before committing the command

/W[flags] specifies flags and switches for the wizards (for APW & APDW)

r make the wizards to be restart-able from the last page

/G[flags] specifies global flags and switches

w suppress setup driver warnings UI (super quiet mode)


Run server properties:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /s /t1 /n\\machine

Run printer properties:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /p /n\\machine\printer

Run add printer wizard localy:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il

Run add printer wizard on \\machine:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /il /c\\machine

Run queue view:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /o /n\\machine\printer

Run inf install:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /if /b "Test Printer" /f %windir%\inf\ntprint.inf /r "lpt1:" /m "AGFA-AccuSet v52.3"

Run add printer wizard using inf:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ii /f %windir%\inf\ntprint.inf

Add per machine printer connection:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer /j"LanMan Print Services"

Delete per machine printer connection:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /gd /c\\machine /n\\machine\printer

Enumerate per machine printer connections:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ge /c\\machine

Add printer driver using inf:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /c\\machine /m "AGFA-AccuSet v52.3" /h "Intel" /v "Windows 2000 or XP" /f %windir%\inf\ntprint.inf

Add printer driver using inf:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ia /K /c\\machine /m "AGFA-AccuSet v52.3" /h "Windows NT x86" /v 3

Remove printer driver:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /c\\machine /m "AGFA-AccuSet v52.3" /h "Intel" /v "Windows 2000 or XP"

Remove printer driver:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /dd /K /c\\machine /m "AGFA-AccuSet v52.3" /h "Windows NT x86" /v 3

Set printer as default:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /y /n "printer"

Set printer comment:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" comment "My Cool Printer"

Get printer settings:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xg /n "printer"

Get printer settings saving results in a file:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /f "results.txt" /Xg /n "printer"

Set printer settings command usage:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Xs /n "printer" ?

Store all printer settings into a file:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat"

Restore all printer settings from a file:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat"

Store printer information on level 2 into a file :

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Ss /n "printer" /a "file.dat" 2

Restore from a file printer security descriptor:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" s

Restore from a file printer global devmode and printer data:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" g d

Restore from a file minimum settings and resolve port name:

rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /Sr /n "printer" /a "file.dat" m p

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thnx, but i don't get it totaly......... for example we got at home also a local printer through tcp/ip... (also a HP) and he got as stearing program (don't know the english word) .dll is there a command for .dll or only .inf

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