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Sp2 Block Downloaded Files

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This occurred to me as I had to right click on each one of Bashrat's Driver Packs and select unblock :)

This annoys me when XP asks every time if I want to open a file I've downloaded, in case it's not safe - considering I took the effort to double click on the file in the first place, jeez, i dont know...

(Imagine if Bill Gates owned McDonalds

1: Can I have a Big Mac please

2: Are you sure you want a big mac?

1: Uh. Yes?

[sits down to eat, opens the box...]

2: The source of the burger could not be verified. Are you sure you want to eat that?

1: I bought it didnt i?

Anyway, enough of this)

I was wondering if there was a registry tweak I could integrate into my UA install (I've looked through Johnny Do's pack - not found) that would stop it playing silly buggers and asking stupid questions?

Thanks :thumbup

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(Imagine if Bill Gates owned McDonalds

1: Can I have a Big Mac please

2: Are you sure you want a big mac?

1: Uh. Yes?

[sits down to eat, opens the box...]

2: The source of the burger could not be verified. Are you sure you want to eat that?

1: I bought it didnt i?

Bad analogy really, that message should be there by default...

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