ravashaak Posted March 15, 2005 Posted March 15, 2005 This is more of a suggestion than my outright saying you should do it this way:Have you thought about adding the microsoft baseline security analyzer to your cd and scripts? If you were to do so and run it in from the command line as follows, you could eliminate detection concerns for all hotfixes this program detects:mbsacli.exe /hf -nosum -x <path to mssecure.cab> -f <path to output file> -vYou'd need to occassionally update your mssecure.cab file in order to detect the newest hotfixes. You could run the mbsacli scan in your script, then with the output file it generates, you could parse for your hotfix numbers along with the string "Patch not". This will give you instances of needed hotfixes. Your script could then install the necessary hotfixes and run qchain at the end.The above method should work for most hotfixes. However, I think you may still need to do manual detection for a few, such as .NET framework. - Ravashaak
xiphias Posted March 15, 2005 Posted March 15, 2005 I think this is a fine script, thanks ahab. I do see 1 design flaw though; what happens when a new hotfix comes out? You'd have to edit the whole script and everything. I've worked on a similar script (minus the fancy ECHOS telling me about each hotfix). Here it is:hotfixes.bat@echo offclsREM First the easy stuff, optional windows components:ECHO Checking for Windows Media Player 10reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\mediaplayer\10.0\registration" /v udbversion >nulif %errorlevel% gtr 0 (ECHO Installing WMP 10 ...start /wait updates\WMP10silent.exe)ECHO Checking for .NET Framework 1.1 SP1reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\.NETFramework\" /v InstallRoot >nulif %errorlevel% gtr 0 (ECHO Installing .NET Framework 1.1 SP1...start /wait Updates\netfxsp1.exe)reg query "hklm\software\microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\" /v v1.1 >nulif %errorlevel% GTR 0 (ECHO Installing Update for .NET Framework ...start /wait Updates\NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /Q)ECHO Checking for HighMAT CD Writting Supportreg query "hklm\software\Microsoft\" /v HMTCDWrite >nulif %errorlevel% GTR 0 (ECHO Installing HighMAT CD Writting Support...start /wait updates\HMTCDWizard_enu.exe /quiet /norestart /n)REM Add's UNXUTILS (UNIX-like command tools @ http://unxutils.sourceforge.net)REM This assumes that unxutils is under the current directory -> wbin; bin is for REM my other stuff...path;%PATH%;%CD%\wbin;%CD%\bin;REM Lists all hotfixes; without alphabetic stuff:IF NOT EXIST C:\Winenima (md C:\Winenima)IF EXIST C:\Winenima\qfecheck.txt (del /Q C:\Winenima\qfecheck.txt)IF EXIST C:\Winenima\hfcheck.txt (del /Q C:\Winenima\hfcheck.txt)bin\qfecheck.exe > C:\Winenima\qfecheck.txt tail -n+8 C:\Winenima\qfecheck.txt | tr -d [:alpha:] | tr -d [:punct:] > C:\Winenima\hfcheck.txtrm C:\Winenima\qfecheck.txtSET HFL="C:\Winenima\hfcheck.txt"SET SP3_HFIXES="Updates\Pre_SP3"FOR %%I IN (%SP3_HFIXES%\*) DO (call pre_SP3.bat %%I %%~nI)exitNow for pre_SP3.bat ...@echo offpath;%PATH%;%CD%\wbin;%CD%\bin;SET HFL="C:\Winenima\hfcheck.txt"REM %1 = Full path to hotfix executableREM %2 = Just file name of same hotfix ex (for Updates\XP\Type1\327979.exe REM it's just 327979)grep %2 %HFL%IF ERRORLEVEL 1 (start /wait %1 /passive /norestart /o /n /f)If you know for certain that ALL post-SP2 hotfixes MUST be applied to the machinein question, then just run:@echo offSET SP3_HFIXES="Updates\Pre_SP3"FOR %I IN (%SP3_HFIXES%) DO start /wait %I /norestart /passive /f /n /oexitNow; please note that ALL of this assumes the following:1. You, of course, set the variables to the proper paths. If you noticed, I'm working on a little project I like to call "Winenima," and yes it will be bad-a$$ed when I'm done.2. You MUST RENAME ALL HOTFIXES TO JUST THE NUMBER.EXE i.e. 999999.exe3. When a new hotfix comes out, rename it as shown above in #2 and dump it into the hotfix folder. DONEThat's All I got folks, enjoy!~xiphias
oioldman Posted March 15, 2005 Posted March 15, 2005 I'll be honest, I don't have a direct use for ths type of thing, but do like the idea.As for your shutdown, in XP there is a fill called shutdown.exe, that you could use to force this, complete with a message stating it will happen and why.e.g. shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Windows XP will now restart in 1 minute..."Hope it helps
ahab Posted March 27, 2005 Author Posted March 27, 2005 Have you thought about adding the microsoft baseline security analyzer to your cd and scripts?Never thought about it, but I do like the idea. I'll look into this more.what happens when a new hotfix comes out?Yeah, I do have to edit it, but thats only once every few weeks. I'm going more for the quick & dirty approach right now, I do like your idea though. The "fancy" echos are there more for documentation than anything. Instead of REMing them I figured I'd just echo them.As for your shutdown, in XP there is a fill called shutdown.exe, that you could use to force this, complete with a message stating it will happen and why.e.g. shutdown.exe -r -f -t 60 -c "Windows XP will now restart in 1 minute..."Sometimes after doing these updates I continue working on the computer for a while, i'd like something that would popup "Do you want to restart now?" The reminder at the end of the script will work for now.Eventually I plan to have all machines on the network run this script from a mapped drive, then reboot if needed. Right now I'm lacking a server and the network still has some kinks to be worked out.
oioldman Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 hello again folks.Work as developed a reason for this to be used and i appreciate the original erffot made by those in previous posts especially topic starter for giving his thoughts and code away. I've written one up but can't get one reg query to work as i need and would appreciate any thoughts on how to correct itbelow is code in use that doesn't work ECHO MS Windows XP Service Pack 2REG QUERY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion > nul 2>&1IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 (ECHO is already installed) ELSE (ECHO Installing...%CDROM%\KB835935SP2.exe /quiet /forcerestart /n /fECHO Installation complete.)ECHO.ECHO.The CSDVersion works if only used against clean xp (NO serveice pack) as no CSDVersion key in none SP.How can I modify it so that if a pc has ServicePack 1 installed as the CSDVersion key exists it will install ServicePack2???????Thanks all for any help
Ctrl-X Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 You could use the For command to parse the output of the Reg Query command and assign the value to an environment variable:ECHO MS Windows XP Service Pack 2[color="#FF0000"]FOR /F "SKIP=4 TOKENS=3*" %%V IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion') DO SET CSDVERSION=%%V %%WIF "%CSDVERSION%"=="Service Pack 2" ([/color]ECHO is already installed) ELSE (ECHO Installing...%CDROM%\KB835935SP2.exe /quiet /forcerestart /n /fECHO Installation complete.)ECHO.ECHO.
oioldman Posted September 7, 2006 Posted September 7, 2006 (edited) Thank you Ctrl-X that seems to be working.Will test a bit more later and update with result.[edit]Ctrl-X - thank you mate, that works an absolute treat.[/edit] Edited September 8, 2006 by oioldman
oioldman Posted April 23, 2009 Posted April 23, 2009 (edited) old thread alert, but also a very useful one.I use this often for new pc's to get up to scratch and it works fine with XP.I want to now use with W2k3 Server but the code that Ctrl-X wrote doesn't work.I'm think and can't code for toffee but understand vaguely what he was doing.So,Can anybody hash it to work with W2k3 Server please?NeilW[edit]all sorted and will test and update tonight when homenow understand teh skip & tokens -> which is key bit hereFor XP SP3 useECHO MS Windows XP Service Pack 3FOR /F "TOKENS=3*" %%V IN ('REG QUERY "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CSDVersion') DO SET CSDVERSION=%%V %%WIF "%CSDVERSION%"=="Service Pack 3" (ECHO is already installed) ELSE (ECHO Installing...%CDROM%\KB???????.exe /quiet /forcerestart /n /fECHO Installation complete.)pauseyou will need filename entered as i do not know it off top of head[/edit][edit]This will now work on XP and W2k3 fine and dandy.slightly modified to remove the SKIP=n command as not needed[/edit] Edited April 29, 2009 by oioldman
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