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Artificial intelligence


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Help guys this is for a date with my ICT teacher :)

Whats the definition of Artificial intelligence and how does it differ from an expert system??

How does Artificial intelligence actually work? is it sets of rules like expert systems or not?

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It has been a while since I actually STUDIED this stuff - but the basic definition I always recall regarding A I is that it can pass the Turing test. That is - if you can have a computer and a Human engage in a chat session (today's terms) and the human cannot tell that it is a computer making the responses on the other end - then that computer is said to have Artificial Intelligence -- also - an A I can learn and adapt based on history. On the other hand, an Expert System is an elaborate set of conditionals (or rules) like

IF A happens check the status of B and based on that do C or D or E.

Good luck on that date -- and let us know how it turns out



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