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Office Xp/2003 Unattended/updates


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I need help regarding Office XP/2003 Unattended Version. I did it some time ago so all service-packs, hotfixes are integrated into office. But now i've got a problem. When new hotfix is out i can integrate it into Office.. and then after i click on setup.exe it updates version on computer i am currently on. But then i would have to go to all computers i have and do the same. How to spread it to other computers on the network? (besides sending them link where the setup.exe and whole office installation is). And also Office Update page isn't working as it should since it says that "I have administration version of office" and i need to use 'administrative updates only'. I don't care, i could do it the long way since there is link to that administrative updates page so if i would be normal user i would go the long way and update office.. however some ppl don't have time or anything and they don't do it.

To summarize: I want some way to do automatic updates of office whenever new hotfix is out on all computers in network (we use Windows 2000 Active Directory if that helps) having unattended/integrated Office XP/2003 version of office. Or/And having possibility to update from Office Updates page like it was possible without unattended version.

Hope someone can help and it's all clear what i want to do :->

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Heh, Astalavista.

"and there hasn't been any office updates for along time."

Tell that to my collegues at work! I've been trying to explain them that like 0,1% does updates manually and office updates get out once per year... but they were just saying "what if someone goes to Japan and can't update office" and they wouldn't listen to me saying that noone updates office or that updates are not so often. That's why i wrote this since i am so p***ed off by them today, by their bashing .. before they were doing it all by hand.. installing of office, updates from Internet and all other programs all by hand.. Now it's one click just they want me to do it by hand too even thou i do like 10 computers per day. So I need to find a way for updates, easier way.

Souling -> i didn't understand what you mean. I updated office already, just i need to spread it to users some way.

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Can someone then tell me the perfect way to set Office and it's updates?(steps prefered) Maybe like you (Astalavista) said is to make main server with office and then deploy hotfixes and everything from it? But can users work on office applications while not being connected to network? Or how does it work with main server having office?

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they should have office 2003 on their computer or laptop

then they connect to the server.

when they connect to the server. The server tells the computers

via your script that a new updates has arrive and update begins automatically.

but like i said i hv not see a major critical update of office in months.

so it is useless if u already slipstreamed the office sp2

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You mean SP1 for 2003 and SP3 for XP :->

Well new critical updates can come up later or even 5 of them at once so it's not realy an issue if you haven't seen any updates for months ;)

And uhm, as for that server i thought you have something else. Since i also have the rls of Office 2003 and Office XP on one of our servers in some dir just ppl don't know where. If they would found that .. they can update it by clicking setup. just my collegues are saying "what if someone goes to japan'". So i need some 'easier' way to update office 2003 or XP. For example with some script that can be executed when someone logins to his computer (Ad 2000)? Or with some script executed once per 2weeks to check if the Office 2003/XP is up to date.

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