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Hello every body.

I am a newbie, i have been reading the manual of unattended applications installs but i have not understood it well. I would like to try for example with nero. but first and sorry i have a questions

1. I can install only an unattended application without install OS? because i have already the OS installed.

2. If i can, can you verify please.

I have created a file RunOnceEx.cmd with the text:

cmdow @ /HID

@echo off

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing application" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Nero Burning Rom" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Nero\Nero6603.exe /silent /noreboot /sn=xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx /Write_SN" /f


Once I have created the file RunOnceEX.cmd, i must execute it directly? or i must do other things?

Also i have downloaded cmdow, where i must put it? windows\system32?

Thank you very much and sorry for my questions

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u need an Operating system for your unattended application installs, u can install applications while installing windows, i think i understand what u mean :P

your commandfile looks ok

u can directly call the batch file or u can have something else call it, its up 2 u

yes, put the cmdow.exe in windows\system32

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newbie or n00b = "I cannot think for myself, i rely on others to do my work for me" its an excuse out of doing it yourself, by calling yourself a n00b/newbie u are saying u cannot do it & dont care to spend the time 2 look :P

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I am calling my self newbie because is true. I have searched and i have been reading the manual for three days. My problem was that the manual is made for installing the application at the same time of installing the application. And only i want to install the application nero.


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I think if i want to install an unattended windows xp with applications, i can do it because the manual is very good and clear, but i have not seen commands to explain me how i can only install an application. The method i have seen is based on create folder $OEM$ which has relation with installing unattende xp.

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My problem was that the manual is made for installing the application at the same time of installing the application

say what lol

the way GUIRunOnce or RunOnceEx is, is that its run when u first logon/restart the pc, if u want to silently install nero without runonceex just use a cmd file & call setup like:

start /wait d:\nerosetup.exe :)

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Oh wait, I think I get what he is saying! He wants to know if he can do an unattened installation of applications when the system is already installed, like for when a company is upgrading software and they don't want to sit and enter all the information for multiple computers. Either that or he wants it to just install silently... don't know why you would want to do that for one computer though...

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I think we need simonsays, it is some what difficult to understand what he is saying. Simon speaks espaniol maybe they can communicate.

You can use WPI for post install method.

You still hv to find all the switches for the programs u will be installing.

In the sample of nero u seem to hv already found that Switch for that.

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Yes arablizzard2413, that is I want. Thanks very much

Why i want to do it for my computer?

is a good question, maybe i would like to do it in order to learn. learning is good like ke says astalavista. Only i know install applications and the windows xp, i have never worked with batch files and unattended.

maybe i wilt spend time but it does not matter to me since i learn new things

Thanks to every body

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more samples for you

wpi method

prog[pn]=['Norton Internet Security 2005']
desc[pn]=['Provides essential protection from viruses, hackers, and privacy threats. Norton AntiVirus is the world’s most trusted antivirus solution.* Norton Personal Firewall keeps personal data in and hackers out. And Norton Privacy Control, Norton AntiSpam, and Norton Parental Control safeguard you and your family from other common online risks.']
cmd2[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Software\\NIS2005\\SYMSETUP.EXE /O REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QB']


ECHO Registering and Activating Norton Internet 2005
ECHO Please wait...
regedit /s %SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\applications\NIS2005\NISserial.reg
%SYSTEMDRIVE%\install\applications\Nav2005\NAVSETUP.exe "/qn /noreboot REBOOT=ReallySuppress"


REG ADD %KEY%\010 /VE /D "Installing NIS 2005" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %cdrom%\Software\NIS2005\NISserial.reg" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 2 /D "%cdrom%\Software\NIS2005\\symlcrst.exe" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\010 /V 3 /D "%cdrom%\Software\NIS2005\NAVSETUP.EXE /O REBOOT=ReallySuppress /QB" /f

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Thank you very much MTC and Astalavista. both you are very kind.

I have just installed the application nero. i execute the command

rundll32.exe iernonce.dll,RunOnceExProcess. i execute it for trying and it was succesful. ;)

Before i didn´t know how to call the batch file RunOnceEx.cmd

Thank you again very much

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