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[XP Home] Dr. Watson prompt; computer freezes

Road Runner

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I'm not too sure where I should start. Well, this thread isn't in relation to my computer system, but, my friends. He has a Dell with Windows XP Home edition system... running SP2, I believe.

Now, onto the issue.

Friend calls me yesterweek, and ranted a bit, here, and there about his system freezing. Well, I did question him a bit, as well (Not much, though). He mentioned to me that a prompt window comes up saying (in regards to DrWatson): This program must shut-down, and blah, blah, blah, and then asks you if you will like to send an error report, or close it off.

This is beyond me. I've never encountered anything like this, on my system.

He also mentioned that if he's using an application, let's say, WinMX (an Filesharing application), the prompt comes up, and he clicks "close", but the system allows him to continue using the current application open, but doesn't allow him to click on anything else (i.e. - start menu | taskbar). If there's no application running, and it pops "out of the blue", the system is totally frozen, and he needs to completely shut down, and restart his system, by holding the power button, to signal shut down.

According to him, the issue seems to prompt his system every couple of days. It's not a consistent thing.

I've done some googling with the keyword: Drwatson, and found some miscellaneous links. I, actually didn't even know what the hell this program was... til I say the official page, by Microsoft... the overview: http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documen...n_overview.mspx

Unfortunately, I can't go to his house, at this time. He's quite far from where I am (the Bronx, NY). If any of you gurus are able to assist me/him with this issue, it would be a great comfort, and benefit.

I'm not sure what distinct information you all need, for formal assistance... but, what ever you need, please, ask me! I'll do my best to provide the info requested.

Thanks, in advance, again. :thumbup

[note: I've also posted this at Broadbandreport.com's Microsoft Help forum.]

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Dr Watson is the PC repair tool of HP embedded XP systems (both Office and Home).

I suggest he either:

a. get the relevant patches from HP at:http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/siteHome

b. Or ring their hotline, or

c. go to START, RUN and enter Dr Watson to see what the problem is. He should be able to access Dr Watson by going to his START, ALL PROGRAMS, HEWITT PACKARD, HP TOOLS and if DR Watson is shown run this application if not revert back to (a) or (B)

Cheers from a HP detester



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