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Windows Media Center Unattended Installation Guide

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Hello Everyone!

I'm new here and have done lots of searching on the forums so far, however I've not found much information on Windows Media Center Edition. Sure I know it's very similiar to XP Pro, but i was wondering if anyone has experimented with a unattended preinstall of MC? or has posted an example?

I'm actually trying to make an install image to a drive that can be duplicated to other drives. The problem I'm having is that second disk. The image drive I am using currently will install on the same drive, then erase the install folders. The preinstall tools that make the image share on my server never ask me for the second disk, they only use the first for the install. So when the image is copied over and setup on my "image master" hard drive (the one I copy to other drives) will only do a basic XP install, not the MC edition.

Please tell me if I'm not making any sense, and I'll try to elaborate further. :)

I've look at many sources for info but just found you guys here. I can tell you folks have got the brains, so any help would be appreciated. :-)

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never ask me for the second disk

Are you sure you're using a media center cd-key for the install?

Also, copying the cd2 cmpnents folder to the root of your install image installs the media center add-on right away, without asking for cd2.

I've also put a cd2 marker file, WIN51IP2 in the root of the cd, alongside with WIN51IP, but I'm not sure if that is necessary.

|WIN51IP2        <= cd2 marker file
|-CMPNENTS       <= cmpnents folder
|    |-NETFX
|    |-TABLETPC  <= this can be deleted
|-i386           <= i386 folder

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Thanks TOBE for the help.

The key I'm using is the correct one. I'll try adding the contents of disk 2 into the image files and see where it goes.

I'm assuming that MC shouldn't be much different than XP, just the second set of .CABS, so I guess no one else has had issues but my moronic self. :wacko: This would explain why there's not much info on the forums so far maybe?

TOBE continued... :}

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Media Center 'IS' Windows XP Professional

with 1 extra program called Media Center.

Also, if you have MediaCenter 2005,

(btw, it has been released as OEM and Retail versions)

it has WindowsMediaPlayer 10 installed bt default.

Setting this up unattendedly is EXACTLY as it is for WinXP Pro.

Of course, you have the extra Folder 'CMPNENTS'


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hey thanks for the reply Shark007,

I figured out what I was doing wrong. Another attempt at RTFM dumbarse and I got it.

"If Winbom.ini is used during your installation and configuration process, the optionalsources=yes line change is needed in the [WinPE] section so that extra files on Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 CD2 are recognized during the preinstallation process."


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  • 2 months later...

pleas help me for instal windows xp media center edition 2005 in unattended mode. :}


i am a MCSE student.

problem 1 brief:

in unattend install windows xp media center 2005 CD2 not request. :}

problem 2 brief:

i use "NTUpgrade=NO"&"Win9xUpgrade=NO" in [unattended] Parameter,in unattend.txt.

but setup upgradeed old windows if 9x or XP. :}

problem 3 brief:

i set "AutoPartition=0" in [Data] parameter in unattend.txt .i run setup in unattend mode.

after one restart,"select partition for instal" window not viewed.and setup go to upgrade windows. :}

my setting in unattend.bat:

@rem SetupMgrTag

@echo off


rem This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by Setup Manager.

rem If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified.


set AnswerFile=.\UNATTEND.TXT

set SetupFiles=L:\i386

L:\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copysource:lang /tempdrive:d:\

my setting in answer file :














































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pleas help me for instal windows xp media center edition 2005 in unattended :} mode.


i am a MCSE student.

problem 1 brief:

in unattend install windows xp media center 2005 CD2 not request. :}

problem 2 brief:

i use "NTUpgrade=NO"&"Win9xUpgrade=NO" in [unattended] Parameter,in unattend.txt.

but setup upgradeed old windows if 9x or XP. :}

problem 3 brief:

i set "AutoPartition=0" in [Data] parameter in unattend.txt .i run setup in unattend mode. :}

after one restart,"select partition for instal" window not viewed.and setup go to upgrade windows.

my setting in unattend.bat:

@rem SetupMgrTag
@echo off
rem This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by Setup Manager.
rem If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified.
set AnswerFile=.\UNATTEND.TXT
set SetupFiles=L:\i386
L:\i386\winnt32 /s:%SetupFiles% /unattend:%AnswerFile% /copysource:lang /tempdrive:d:\

my setting in answer file :




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buildgeek ..hi there i had solved this prob....i had combined both the cds into one and used nlite to reduce it to fit into one folder....follow these simple steps...

1. create a folder named xpcd or whatever u like to name it

2. Transfer the folder called CMPNENTS (CD2) to that folder.

3. then use nlite...out here make sure when ure removing the components DO NOT REMOVE MEDIACNTR, .netFRAMEWORK and TABLET PC.

4. Proceed as usual with nlite.



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  • 1 month later...

hi my friend.

thankyou for help me.

i am a mcse student.

i want setup winXP media center 2005 in unattend mode.

my problem is , in events setup (unattend) cd2 not request.

my friend sayed : ought edit "DOSNET.INF" in i386 directory.

i opened dosnet.inf and edited thats.

Edit description:

i edited all parameter "d2,d3,d4 to d1" (i think"d1=disk1")

before edit :
d1 = \I386
d2 = \cmpnents\tabletpc\I386
d3 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386
d4 = \cmpnents\netfx\I386

after edited :
edited to ...

d1 = \I386
d1 = \cmpnents\tabletpc\I386
d1 = \cmpnents\mediactr\I386
d1 = \cmpnents\netfx\I386

before edit :
and edit all


after edited :
to ...


and in this time ,i by winISO software createed image from cd1.

i open image in winIso and transfered contents folder in CD2 (cmpnents) to cd root.

and i replace new dosnet.inf to i386 folder.

and i burning thats image to cd.

CD root: __\i386\files...

now i runed winnt32.exe /unattend:g:unattend.txt

setup started.

started copying file.

then setup display a "file copy error window". and searched for "inkball.exe"

and displayed this key:

"Retry" "Skip File" "Exit Setup"

this file exist in "cd\cmpnents\tabletpc\i386\inkball.ex_"

and setup not found that.

i understand setup is searching in "CD\i386\inkball.ex_"

now i Transferred all file in

CD root:|__\cmpnents\mediactr\i386\files...      

folders to cd\i386\...

CD root: __\i386\files...

now run winnt32.exe /unattend:g:unattend.txt

setup started.

started copying file.

copying file complete.

but "mediactr.cab & plus.cab & sonic.cab &..." not copyed in $win_nt~is$ .

system restarted and goed to other stage.

setup completeed.

but mediacenter & other program not instaled.

i View "layout.inf"

whether this file not ought edited ?

please help me !!!.


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  • 5 months later...

Ok I have made 3 attemp's to get Windows Media Center unattended install first I created an ISO file with WinISO burned the 2 cd's to cd's come up with an error xpspares.dll belive thats what it was called click ok to terminate

Ok 2nd attemp to create a 1 cd install copied componets dir to root directory made a copy on to blank dvd same error

3rd attemp went into the i386 directory opened Dosnet.inf changed all the d2 to d1 b/c everything is on 1 dvd also created a WIN51IP2 cd maker file usual get the error at around 27 minutes left right now on the 3rd attemp it is Completing installation it is at 27 mins left ok it failed aagian it is the error "PxShare.exe - Application Error" The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click ok to terminate the applicarion. well I guess its on to 4th attemp will post any new findings and if you have any reason why I am getting this error please let me know thanks

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