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Win32 Error

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I finally burned to DVD and formattedand installed my unattended installation

Removed the things Ithought was the problem first, but was tired of messing with it (seems it could be a never ending project, everyday I learn more and wantto implement it)

Since my disk was a t 1.9 GB I figured it was time.

I removed the cleanup utility, stripped down the registry tweaks (which few seem to work anyway) to about 20 entries. Also removed all 3 installrite EXEs I created because they seemed to create more problems, then benefits.

(BTW Which ones did not work? The security center tweaks, the tour stop tweak etc)

Other ones like the cd-close tweak and the autoamtic User generation tweak DID work

Installed fine (one problem with the switches for something, I will post later)

Start to run, and get memory errors, and such

Win32 error, and implement shut down (RPC service failed)

Also could not get an IP for my wireless adapter, the LAN driver did not install.

Tried forcingthe IP for the wireless card with no luck

Checked services and things I never selected were disabled that should not have been etc.

I am goingto rebuild my disk totally manually. No scripts or anything from the forum. Modify my own DLLs and see how that goes.

After I finish I will post my findings.

Just one request/ Offer

Do you guys need help organizing the forum and updatingthe unattended guide?

It seems to learn thing I had to bounce around quite a bit. Try things that did not work, mixed in the threads with things that do. A Little more organization would be helpful.

(Please do not take this as an insult. It comes from a lot of people contributing their information. I just think that perhaps stick threads, like Application switches, could be replaced with an alphabetical list of known switches).

Okay network SP2 just finished downloading. (I am rebuilding from the ground up) Gotta go

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Constant testing as you are building your project helps to notify of what is causing which problem.

I tested it about a hundred times and thought the only erors I had left were do to the VMWare

(I could not test my ethernet/ wireless ethernet or display drivers)

though I think I narrowed down one of my biggest problems.. .which was the display driver was being installed before AGP or GART...

Sygate kept crashing, until i uninstalled and reinstalled it. then it was fine

Kept getting win32 errors, memory errors and RPC would drop out and reboot in 60 seconds


It might have been a batch file problem, maybe it kept trying to run them or something. Dont think so

The mmeory error I pegged to adobe7 though.

Did a fresh install of XP pro and manually updates everything, reinstalled all drivers etc to get to this point to rebuild the disc

Installed adobe7 and withing 3 minutes had memory errors.

unin/rein stalled and have not had a problem yet... so

I have come across a new method I think of installing drivers... (see the drivers forum)

Gonna readd the appz that I know were successful. Got rid of 3 installrite appz.. (am I repeating myself...) ignoring alot of the fluff on the forum...

Going for OEM installs instructions from most of the manufacturers sites...

Though with Install shiels and MSI I have had NO problems with silent installs.... and that is all thanks to the guide and the forums...

Wish there was more information on identifying install types. But.. I will get around it.

Keep up the good work all!

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