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tried everything Win update refuses to work


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I have done all the bloody searches, and tried all the answers incl reinstalling visual basic runtime files 6, and still windows update stops at 0% and won't go any further I did the mcrepair .exe, etc etc.. I deleted IE6 cache. I downbloaded last security update, and suddenly it stopped working plain and simple..

Shutoff firewall, tried everything no luck any ideas anyone please..I have ne'er had trouble running windows 98SE on my 1.2 gig Athlon..I prefer it, 98SE actually always run smooth, with lots of TLC..but this lil sudden bug is irritating..anyone got any ideas I haven't tried yet.. :(



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what have you installed on it?did you install the sp 1.6.2?

Was wondering if anyone would respond, after all the reads and no responses.. seems few care nowdays..in many forums, people all in their lil worlds..and their opinions block their ears to what someone is asking..what I am trying to say is thanks..for responding. ;)

No, did not install that.... waiting for the final...it sounds promising and glad someone is doing that..but have not DL that..

I have just found this forum a firm believer in Windows 98Se..been looking for a place of support and tired of hearing update..to XP..I don't want to..tis to buggy yet IMNSHO

I have a 1.2 gig Athlon, and good upgraded system..but prefer 98SE its compatibility with things and its tweekability..so she's high maintenance and needs regular TLC.I don't mind she worth it..and she's always run smooth for me, well till now..and this wee bloomin' gnat of an issue..

Back to gnat... anyways on windows critical update page, came an update in Dec..that incl effecting Windows 98SE users..with IE6 SP1... I DL it, and since then I think anyways, tis when it happened not sure..But suddenly..out of the bloody blue, windows update will not scan it stops at 0% and won't continue..

I did all the things suggested at Microsoft site on that issue of windows updates.. and other articles.. Visual basic files or re-download them.ect ect...did another fix, and nothing..I cannot use windows update anymore..Weird....

Any help, ideas other than the ones I already tried..Would be bloody well appreciated mate.. :}

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Well per usual solved it my bloody self..No offence but that many reads, and no help..how welcoming..one response thats all..if anyones interested which I doubt, I reinstalled scripting engine 5.6 and Windows update works again...So if anyone else has the problem it might help..

Ah well message boards, if ones new and not in the cliche one does not exist eh?

Well ta ta and thanks for all the help.. :rolleyes:

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well i know

it does seem ppl don't really care these days cept for themselves,glad to be some help

did you try checking the unnoficial win 98 se sp page for the windows update bug in 1.6.2?

Again thanks mate for being the one person who responded..There's hope..;-)

Aye it does, its hard to get ones head around that many, don't care.. not all but many from UK are more hospitable and helpful lets say..I think the idea of community has been lost somewhere, I think it started in the 90's actually..lol..

I just found this forum and said Oh Blimey, bloody great luck.. others who still realise Windows 98SE is not dead and actually in many ways if given proper TLC.. keeping drivers updated, keeping resistry free of clutter..etc...is a far better OS then XP yet is...IMO...and I knew someone out there would keep it running, despite it's 'official' dead status..Leave it to Bill Gates they final get something right and then out-date it, the only problem I ever had with 98SE is the bloody 512 RAM limitation, do something about that, and I'd be as happy as pie with it, well that and fixing the inherent notorious Windows explorer bugginess....

You know something IE6 sp1 runs better in 98SE well at least on my Athlon it does..I have had less problems then all the horror stories I have read with those using it with XP..strange eh?

Of course I have always used windows update and the critical security updates installed....But its not been buggy for me, lucky I guess..

Now if they could make a genetic offspring hybrid of 98SE yet some of the extras of XP, now then I might consider it..

Anyway..Do you think I should wait till he's done with the new 2.0 ..and has it final before I DL anything...I have been keeping my eye open there waiting for the unofficial se sp final.. since I haven't DL 1.6.2 one yet? That way I will be sure not to mess up my 'puter??

tata for now :)

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and bill gates doesen't care about windows 98 se now,only xp and server 2003 and ick longhorn,right now i hate longhorn for everything it is,too complicated interface,stuff kinda works on it and takes so long to bootup even on a fast computer

windows 98 se is not dead,i tell ppl that n they glare like it is dead,and if you keep good updated software around that you will use it will help more than hurt

also you really don't need an antivirus for windows 98 since many ppl go after the nt based oses,i know a business that uses windows 98 se and he hates xp,it would cost him too much to goto xp( i get parts from him cheaper than anywhere)if you remove ie 5 from windows 98 se then put ie6sp1 it works best since it doesen't have the older files,also using 98lite can remove more windows 98 fluff than normaly,i use windows update all the time and it is great for me,also i do recommend you use it 1.6.2 since the service packs are cumulative,no need to uninstall it just install it over top,but if you install it you'll have a windows update bug that can be fixed,there is a beta version of the sp but i've had problems with it,if you like the windows me desktop icons then install it,if you don't then wait since 1.6.2 doesen't give you the option to not install the newer icons and the new one will give you the choice of installing the newer icons & the windows 2000 color scheme or not(it's a bit more lighter than the windows 98 one)you could always switch back if you don't like the color scheme under apearances just go there and you'll have the taskbar looking like before.hope that helps

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ha ha....

nice little party - let's wait for more problems! ;)

Here's what I have to add over here:

- Your windows update issue, most probably was activeX related (that update disabled it).

- The 512 MB limitation troubled more people than just you two here, and some sort of a work-around exists (I'll post it here when I get round to finding some time for myself).

- win98 is not dead, and winME is not a bad OS; but most people don't want to believe that when I say so!


I doubt really, that "everyone here is in their own world, without caring for others".

More likely, they don't know a possible solution, or the poor souls are busy with year-end pressures at work and college. Out here, if folks can't help, they just keep quiet and go about their own business. I've seen other forums, where you will get a response within 5 mins of posting - shot at you whether its useful or not. For example, if you ask something about IE, within minutes you have rabid firefox enthusiasts suffocating you, and telling you to move out of IE (whereas you might not want to). Similarly go flames for all the enduring duopolies in the industry (IE/firefox, AMD/Intel, nVidia/ATi, MS/linux, and so on.....). Flames is all you see there, and a real solution does not show up until days roll-by - before that time, the flames would have burnt your keen-ness to work your way into the solution.

What would you rather want? A well-thought out and caring reply, or flames from all sides!

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the 512 mb limitation doesen't affect me but i will be going past 512 soon,maybe to 1 gig,i hope i got it right,also your right,win 98 ain't dead,you can get win me stable but you gotta be careful how you do it and only remove some stuff,keep sfc and system restore intact for sure but disable it not remove it,i know this cuzz i did get win me stable,but then again i have fairly new hardware that win me liked,u give it crap stuff,it will crap back at you just as hard.

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Here's what I have to add over here:

-  Your windows update issue, most probably was activeX related (that update disabled it).

-  The 512 MB limitation troubled more people than just you two here, and some sort of a work-around exists (I'll post it here when I get round to finding some time for myself).

-  win98 is not dead, and winME is not a bad OS;  but most people don't want to believe that when I say so!


I doubt really, that "everyone here is in their own world, without caring for others".

More likely, they don't know a possible solution, or the poor souls are busy with year-end pressures at work and college. Out here, if folks can't help, they just keep quiet and go about their own business. I've seen other forums, where you will get a response within 5 mins of posting - shot at you whether its useful or not. . Flames is all you see there, and a real solution does not show up until days roll-by - before that time, the flames would have burnt your keen-ness to work your way into the solution.

What would you rather want? A well-thought out and caring reply, or flames from all sides!

'ello their mate..I am glad I checked I wouldn't have known you replied, I have send message checked but got nothing...

Well actually I needed to reinstall visual basic 5.6 files again..then it was fine..

I did something a while back, used something called IE killer removes all the old files from machine..of IE so you can just put IE6 on..when I did that, how it removed my 5.6 vbs files..I am not sure but evidently it did...Found an article on the Microsoft site, and reinstalled visual basic 5.6 files and windows update works fine now..I have not DL any of the new unofficial packs yet.. I am waiting for it to be final..

I have Cache-man which helps me work around the 512 MB issue..

Windows 98SE will ne'er die, not as long as their some nerds, um techies out their willing to keep it alive..Have a Windows 98SE problem in neighbourhood I;ll fix.I won't go near XP..Did once and I refuse to have an OS tell me,what the bloody'ell to do and to undo what I just did to make it run smoother..The bloody nerve .. :rolleyes:

As for Me...I hope I don't offend anyone but I played with that once and thought it more a watered down simplified toy, for those who really aren't tweakers..The best system for tweaking IMO is Windows 98SE.

She is a high maintenance system..but with the TLC, and most of all.. keep thy registry clean of debris..!!!

Now that is my opinion and I do not engage in flames wars, all XP and Me lovers..more power to ya....to each their own ...So no flames.. or all that crap..Intelligent debates aye..flames I just let em burn out..Getting to old for that nonsense..Flames burn themselves out if you give them no petrol..!!

For me, on my Athlon 1.2 gig she runs like a baby, since I got her...with a few hitches here and there, no major complaints..and actuallly IE6 sp1 has been very stable on 98SE for some reason..for me..as has Windows 98E itself..

Actually I made them put Windows 98SE on my new 'puter.., they argued with me..said they don't do that anymore...etc etc...lol..I held out..so for my sale, and I am stubborn.. if I bought a small business 'puter.. they would ...so I did and they did reluctantly..Looking at me as if I was bloody crazy... ;)

Turned out for the best I have upgraded hardware majorly..lots of room for it..Have 3 HD

Now as for waiting for responses I can. but I have experienced in far to many forums like the UT forums and such, for example.. you ask a Q about something has nothing to do with their rants, and the only answers I ever get is upgrade to XP. like some mechanical robotic did not hear a word , I said..responses.. or worse ignored...and since I am a rare poster and only post intelligent Q I deserve the respect I would offer anyone else is how I see it..

I found it amusing after the mild irritation I felt.. actually..when UT (Unreal Tournament has run fine on my system, yet all the monster machines others brag about, were in all sorts of treacle..So logically the compatibility of XP still is on the laxing side..

All the horrible problems I read, oddly enough..were happening on XP machines.. my machine was handle UT right smoothy all along, right up till UT2004..and with high detail and all..I believe many games run better on 98SE..from what I have read..and IME..

I just got to feel does anybody read whole posts before they start replying..??

I got tired of either being ignored when asking a simple Q or, flamed with responses that have nothing to do whatsoever to my simple Q..

So you know...I step into the waters of a new forum, burned a bit, and cautions that's all..

But to answer your Q.. a well thought out caring reply of course.. as you have done and I thank you for..

BTW I am more of a lurker and learn by reading, experimentation..after much reading.. and asking occasionally... as now.. or a rare comment when I have something to offer... that's me..

Now this OT..and just ignore if inappropriate. My only complaint about the setup of this forum, is a rather silly one, I'll admit.. and yet not, I mean I don't really mind flying the UK flag, well to much anyway under my name..lol...

But twood be nice if it was broken down more..In options it has UK..people forget there are three parts to the UK..England, Cymru(Wales) and Scotland which all have their own flags and rather proud of them actually..Many forums have that option..

Tis only a flag, but you know, rather see that ol' red dragon flying..;)lolol....Now that was totally OT...and in partly jest...shall I get bloody flamed for that..I hope not... just TOT observation..I usually have so little to say..tis a bloody rare mood it will pass..blame it on the neverending rain...

Anyways thank you for the response..seems theres some nice blokes here..that do care..and perhaps some womyn tweakers about as well....so shall stick about and see what's what..thanks for the non typical refreshing welcoming response..:)

Cheers mate..

prathapml and solider1st :thumbup

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Enjoy your win98se ;)

Personally, I'm more on the side of XP, but as you said.... everybody has their own favourites. And we at msfn do not flame over XP/98se, lol. Just use whatever keeps you happy.

Oh, and do you play UT2004 a lot?

Wanna death-match with us? (my gaming companions, I mean) Tokara Forest is a lot of fun, I think.

As far as I'm concerned, I do read the whole post before replying to it (whole thread, most of the time). And most of the time, I too read and experiment before posting! Yup, lot of similarities between many of us. There are some other sites on the net though, which are mostly frequented by kids (and these kids have nothing better to do than flame and give useless answers). Thankfully, MSFN is far more mature. And were you looking for women techies? lol.... might be a long time before you run into one. Not many women go online, and even fewer of them frequent forums.

Hey, about the UK flag.... I don't think anything can be done about it. Its a mod (modification/hack) to the Invision forum software, not under our control. Also, the list of countries which is already there is long enough. :lol: If more flags had to be manually added in, we'll end up with a drop-down list with thousands of region-names to choose from! And that won't be nice at all! Well, if you don't want the country flag, just choose "Not Specified" for country, and it won't be displayed anymore.

Have fun!

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both 98/xp have there strengths and weaknesses

some ppl like 98,others like xp,i prefer both 98/xp

98 has the old interface,xp has new interface,a switch between them is good,also not many women are techies,it's mostly guys that do all the technical work and girls do dishes/etc...

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both 98/xp have there strengths and weaknesses

some ppl like 98,others like xp,i prefer both 98/xp

98 has the old interface,xp has new interface,a switch between them is good,also not many women are techies,it's mostly guys that do all the technical work and girls do dishes/etc...

Hmmmm..Ok ...so no womyn techies huh..I am now going to make you eat your words.

I hear crow taste good this time of year..lol

You have just met your first womon techie, ask the people in my neighbourhood, who they call when they mess up their computers, and though a bit modest, I'm not bad at it either..true mostly womyn call for help. which I do just because its fun....But not all womon sit about doing dishes, actually I hate dishes..lol

Seriously.. technical work, and being a bit of a compter nerd, is not just confined to the male gender anymore ... ;)

Notice the wink no offence taken..I am having a bit of a laugh tis the Welsh sense of humour.

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@Aeron - You are a rare breed. Glad to know there are women out there who share the same passions as many of us.

As far as the XP/98SE argument... If you are comfortable with 98SE and it works well for you then I see no need for you to upgrade. I happen to love XP and believe it's one of the greatest OSes of all time (on the personal PC side) I have worked in small and large corporate offices and Windows XP makes everything so much easier. I really love Windows Server 2003 too. It's such a beautiful piece of work. I was in your boat when 95 went to 98. I absolutely refused to upgrade. I believe I was afraid of the change. You certainly don't have to take me up on this, but I challenge you to tackle Windows XP one last time. Go into it with an open mind. You might find some surprises.


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