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Ok, the msi in the temp folder is not working. So an alternative is to do an administrative install. Use the /A switch.

Edit: Wow.. I can't believe it. The admin install is not working either.

u posted twice and it still isn't working LOL

Because those posts are just ideas. I didn't actually try them before posting.

It is a script msi package, so it has to use the setup.exe to run. But I think there is a way to do this.


Well one strange thing I noticed.. at least with my installer.. you can also extract it using WinRaR... but it only extract the windows msi components and nothing thats actually executable to launch the cuteftp installer...

Also, youll noticed that while the initial setup screen says installsheild, it actually uses Windows Installer... so the -r wont work.

Theres gotta be a way to do this...


totoymola and i have been at this for 6 hours and we cant get it.

the setup.exe is 8 mb

when u extract it using wirnar it is only 5 mb

does that make sense to u? heheheheh


Hey, since the MSI is asking for the setup.exe to run silently, try editing the MSI to remove requirement for setup.exe. There was such a post in the iTunes 4.7 thread.

Other than that, cuteFTP has *GOT* to work with the setup.iss

setup.exe -s -k


Are you using the shareware/trial version? :P tch tch...

I've never seen trial products being made easy to install silent. Use the full/retail.


Complete CuteFTP Professional 6 MSI install instructions

Download and run the install exe before you click on next button, There should be a directory in the %temp% directory with the following files "CuteFTP 6 Professional.msi" and "isscript.msi".

To perform the install run the following command (batch file) with the two msi files in the same directory.

@echo off

msiexec /i "isscript.msi" /qb

msiexec /i "CuteFTP 6 Professional.msi" issetupdriven=1 allusers=1 installlevel=1 reboot=reallysuppress /qb

echo done installing CuteFTP Professional 6


You still have to register the copy but it is installed.


@ staples

1st off.. awesome work and thanks a ton! Is there an additional switch to redirect the installation path?

Also CuteFTP Pro v8.1? Latest version I can see is 6.0

@ Asta

If you want to stick with a batch file just use


Also, is anyone having issues uninstalling this once its been installed using this method?

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