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Detail View Disappearance


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I have a computer, running 98SE, that when I change to detail view nothing shows up. I can see the folder contents under all other views. I can see everything in My Computer with detail view but when I browse to a folder, Nothing! I went into folder options in my computer and said to set all folders to the My Computer settings still nothing. :wacko: Does anyone have any ideas?

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Have you tried resetting the folder options as follows:

Goto [start] > [settings] > [Folder Options]

and then choose the [View] tab at the top of the window and choose the [Reset All Folders] button

This should reset them to their defaults which should work, unless you have registry errors - www.ccleaner.com - may help you here (there are loads of other freeware registry fixer/cleaners out there)

if not, then it could very well be spyware clogging things up - try Spybot combined with SpywareBlaster and one thats really good if its a CWS infection is CWShredder (choose the Download the stand-alone version of CWShredder link)

Good luck and let us know how you get on :)



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Actually, I found out the problem. The user took the column dividers and slid them all to the left and then set all folders to be the same way. That way nothing appeared. He forgot to mention that to me. It was a stupid user problem. Thanks for the reply thought.

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