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InstallShield: Command Line Parameters?

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I don't know what to do anymore, i tried 3 times to install (Trendmicro) PC-cillin Internet Security but the installation process could not be finished because it always displays the following command line parameters and i don't have any knowledge what to do with it.By the way, I'm using Windows XP Professional SP2. Please explain to me clearly what does this Command Line Parameters mean and what steps should i do to finish the installation process. Thank you very much for whatever help you could share with me.

I always get this message:


Command line parameters:

/L language ID

/S Hide Intialization dialog. For silent mode use: /S


/V parameters to MsiExec.exe

/UA<url to instMsiA.exe>

/UW<url to instMsiW.exe>

/UM<url to msi package>



the program you're trying to use, though it WAS created using an InstallShield program, it uses Windows Installer to install. The switch YOU need for this app is /s /v/qn , so in your file that you use to install your programs...

setup.exe /s /v/qn

command.com is not needed.

If you post waht you do have, I'd be able to give you exact code



Installing Trendmicro PC Cillin 2005 has been dissused here several weeks ago. Alanoll's method should work. But just in case, here is another alternative.

Just use the /qr /norestart switch for the msi. Then import a regfile containing your serail number after the installation. That should work without any problem.

Note: If you have the web download installer (which is an exe), you have to extract the installation file to a directory first. In that folder, you will see a "setup" folder conataining the msi.

Let me just remind you that you have to rename the msi to setup.msi, or use quotes (" ") when you run it.

For more info, visit this link.


I hope this helps. Please post back whaterver your result is. ;)


I'm very sorry but i don't understand much about the application or use of "switch".....how does it work? I was used to simply download from the website and install any software automatically with windows installer without any problem........but this issue with Trend Micro Internet Security makes me dumb and stupid. Please help people.


please post whatever code you are currently using to install whatever other programs you are installing.

a switch is simply what allows you to install a program silently. /qb or /qn is the silent switch for Windows Installer for example. If you DON'T know what a switch is....


read then come back.

I'm very sorry but i don't understand much about the application or use of "switch".....how does it work? I was used to simply download from the website and install any software automatically with windows installer without any problem........but this issue with Trend Micro Internet Security makes me dumb and stupid. Please help people.

Ok. This is what you have to do to install your Trendmicro PC Cillin Internet Security 2005. I assume that you have WinRAR installed. But you can still do this without WinRAR.

1. Extract the the files inside the pcc25f1244.exe using WinRAR to a folder named TRENDMICRO for example, and move that folder to your $OEM$\$1\Install folder. (pcc25f1244.exe is the original filename of the web download installer.)

2. After extracting the files, look for the Setup folder, and you will see a file named Trend Micro Internet Security.msi inside.

3. To make the procedure simple, rename the file Trend Micro Internet Security.msi to setup.msi

4. Add this to your batch.

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\TrendMicro\Setup\Setup.msi [b]/qr[/b] /norestart

Note: The /qb and /qn switch won't work for this. I don't know why.

That procedure will install your Trendmicro PC Cillin Internet Security 2005 silently, but will only work as a 30-day trial. So if you have a serial number, create a reg file that has this lines.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"register no."="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx"

To make it simple, save it as TRENDMICRO.reg and place it inside $OEM$\$1\Install\TrendMicro\Setup. Then use this in your batch.

start /wait %systemdrive%\Install\TrendMicro\Setup\Setup.msi [b]/qr[/b] /norestart
regedit /s %systemdrive%\Install\TrendMicro\Setup\Trendmicro.reg

Note you have to import the reg file AFTER the installation. Otherwise, your software will not regsiter.

I hope this is explained enough. ;)

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