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Windows PE NET problems


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Thanks for a great forum.

I experience some difficulties when I try to mount a network drive. It seems to me that the networks isn't up and running when the commands are executed.. I use Windows PE, and here is my STARTNET.CMD:

factory -winpe
@echo off
net use x: \\xxx\install
cd I386
format c: /y
winnt32 /unattend:unattend.txt

Simple, but gets the job done.

When running the script I get errormsg 1231: The network location cannot be reached. If I put a pause before the net use command it workes perfectly, but that misses the point of an unattended installation.

Second, I want to use net use x: \\xxx\install /USER:user password which works like a charm when used after everything is loaded, but when I use in startnet.cmd it gives me a different errormsg, even with a pause.

Ideas or solutions?

- ntfs

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here is the file that i use that works fine

@echo off
START "Installing Components" /MIN OC2.bat
START /MIN taskmgr
factory -winpe
ipconfig /all
"x:\program files\Ghost8\ghost32.exe"

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1. The net could be failing for all sorts of reasons -- usually the retry will fix it though. Change your startnet to do something like:

net use x: \\xxx\install

if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 net use x: \\xxx\install

If you still experience failures you could make it loop until it succeeds

factory -winpe
call NetConnect
[rest of your script goes here]

goto :EOF
net use x: \\xxx\install
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto NetConnect
goto :EOF

2. WinPE runs in a weird user context -- make sure that when you net use to another system using local credentials that you tell it where to get 'em:

Instead of this:

net use x: \\xxx\install /USER:user password

Do this:

net use x: \\xxx\install /USER:XXX\user password

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