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Help with installation


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Actually i just looked at your file... you dont even have any switches...

Try those switches on those programs... they should become silent... the rest, just check this forum you should find em all...

try those switches

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Installing Ad-aware SE Professional" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Ad-Aware\Ad-Aware.SE.Pro.v1.05.exe /s" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Installing Alcohol 120%" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Alcohol_120%\Alcohol120%_Setup.exe  /passive /norestart" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\037 /VE /D "Installing Diskeeper 9" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\037 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Diskeeper\DiskeeperProfessional9.exe /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\047 /VE /D "Installing MSN Messenger 7" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\047 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi /QB" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\055 /VE /D "Installing WinRAR 3.4" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\WinRAR\wrar340.exe /s" /f

Media player 10 and Office looks OK

Now try to find the others... i already had those

Hope this helps :thumbup

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ok i checked out the switch for Alcohol 120%, it said it was /qn so i was wondering, shall i put that like this:

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Installing Alcohol 120%" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Alcohol_120%\Alcohol120%_Setup.msi" /f /qn

With the /qn at the end?

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For your Office error... try this

REG ADD %KEY%\070 /VE /D "Installing Microsoft Office XP" 
REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 1 /D "$systemdrive%\install\Applications\OfficeXP\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f

Your Unattended.mst must be in officeXP folder

I was getting an error as well when i was using the MSI. Try it with setup.exe

This should work... it did for me

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ok i checked out the switch for Alcohol 120%, it said it was /qn so i was wondering, shall i put that like this:

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Installing Alcohol 120%" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Alcohol_120%\Alcohol120%_Setup.msi" /f /qn

With the /qn at the end?

You want the switch to follow the file extension such as .msi

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Alcohol_120%\Alcohol120%_Setup.msi /qn REBOOT=Suppress" /f

Check out your WMP which is set correctly

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Hmm i seem to have a problem with office still:

this is the entry in the cmd:

REG ADD %KEY%\070 /VE /D "Installing Microsoft Office XP" 
REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 1 /D "$systemdrive%\install\Applications\OfficeXP\PRO11.msi TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f


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REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 1 /D "$systemdrive%\install\Applications\OfficeXP\PRO11.msi TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f

Note the $ in bold. It should be %

If you read your error messages, you'll find out a lot about what went wrong.


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This dont look too good either.....

REG ADD %KEY%\0 /VE /D "Importing Registry Tweaks" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\075 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\registry.reg" /f

should hav a 75 on the top line too.

so it should be

REG ADD %KEY%\075 /VE /D "Importing Registry Tweaks" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\075 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\registry.reg" /f

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Thanks for all the support so far, but i have one more problem, that i hope someone could help me with.

My cmd is like this:

cmdow @ /HID
@echo off

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY% /V TITLE /D "Installing Applications." /f

REG ADD %KEY%\005 /VE /D "Installing Ad-aware SE Professional" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\005 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Ad-Aware\Ad-aware.exe" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Installing Alcohol 120%" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Alcohol120\AlcoholSetup.msi /qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 2 /D ""REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Applications\Alcohol120\registry.reg" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\025 /VE /D "Installing AnyDVD" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\025 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\AnyDVD\AnyDVD_Setup.exe /S" /noreboot /f
REG ADD %KEY%\025 /V 2 /D ""REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\Applications\AnyDVD\key.reg" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\030 /VE /D "Installing CloneDVD" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\030 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\CloneDVD\CloneDVD_Setup.exe /S" /noreboot /f

REG ADD %KEY%\035 /VE /D "Installing CloneCD" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\035 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\CloneCD\CloneCD.exe /S" /noreboot /f

REG ADD %KEY%\037 /VE /D "Installing **** NFO Viewer" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\037 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\DamnNFO\DAmnNFO.exe /S" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\040 /VE /D "Installing Diskeeper 9" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\040 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Diskeeper\DiskeeperProfessional9.exe /s /v/qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\047 /VE /D "Installing Fraps" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\047 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Fraps\Fraps.exe /S" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\050 /VE /D "Installing MSN Messenger 7" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\050 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi /qn" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\053 /VE /D "Installing WinAMP" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\053 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\WinAMP\winamp.msi INI="%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\WinAMP\unattended.ini Xfull=1" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\055 /VE /D "Installing WinRAR 3.4" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\055 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\WinRAR\wrar340.exe /s" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\060 /VE /D "Installing WinZIP" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\060 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\WinZIP\SETUP.exe /autoinstall /noqp" /f  

REG ADD %KEY%\065 /VE /D "Installing Windows Media Player 10" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\065 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\WMP10\MP10Setup.exe /q:A /c:\"setup.wm.exe /Q /R:N /DisallowSystemRestore\"" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\070 /VE /D "Installing Microsoft Office XP" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\070 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\OfficeXP\PRO11.msi TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb-" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\075 /VE /D "Installing Daemon Tools" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\075 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\DaemonTools\Daemon.msi /qn REBOOT=ReallySuppress" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\080 /VE /D "Installing Norton Anti Virus" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\080 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\NAV2004\navsetup.exe /QB" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\085 /VE /D "Installing ClearType PowerToy" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\085 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\PowerToys\ClearType_setup.exe /s" /v/qn

REG ADD %KEY%\090 /VE /D "Installing Alt-Tab PowerToy" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\090 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\PowerToys\Alt-Tab_setup.exe /s" /v/qn

REG ADD %KEY%\100 /VE /D "Installing Mozilla Firefox" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\100 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Firefox\Setup.exe /S -MS -IRA" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\110 /VE /D "Installing Nero Burning Rom" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\110 /V 1 /D "%cdrom%\Install\Applications\Nero\Nero.exe" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\115 /VE /D "Installing Zone Alarm" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\115 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\ZoneAlarm\ZoneAlarm.exe /s" /noreboot /f

REG ADD %KEY%\120 /VE /D "Installing Adobe Photoshop CS" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\120 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Photoshop\Photoshop\setup.exe -r" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\125 /VE /D "Installing Adobe Acrobat Reader 6" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\125 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Photoshop\Adobe_Reader_6.0\AdbeRdr60_enu_full.exe -r" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\130 /VE /D "Installing SpyBot - Search & Destroy"
REG ADD %KEY%\130 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Spybot\Spybot.exe /silent" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\135 /VE /D "Installing WinISO 5.3" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\135 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\WinISO\WinISO.exe /VERYSILENT /SP-" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\135 /V 2 /D "taskkill /F /IM WinISO.exe" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\140 /VE /D "Installing Azureus" /f
REG ADD %KET%\140 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Azureus\Azureus.exe /S" /f

REG ADD %KET%\145 /VE /D "Installing Sun Java" /f
REG ADD %KET%\145 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Java\Java.exe/s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1"

REG ADD %KEY%\150 /VE /D "Importing Registry Tweaks" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\150 /V 1 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\install\registry.reg" /f


Now the following ones had somehting wrong:

Alcohol 120% = Restarted computer after it installed

Any DVD = Didnt install (no error message)

CloneDVD = Didnt Install (no error message)

CloneCD = Didnt Install (no error message)

WinAMP = Didnt Install (no error message)

Windows Media Player 10 = Didnt Install (no error message)

Zone Alarm = Didnt Install (no error message)

As you see, my problem is that the above programs (except Alcohol) just skipped to the next program on the list. :(

So can anyone help me :blink:

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REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\Install\Applications\Alcohol_120%\Alcohol120%_Setup.msi /s /v"/qn REBOOT=Suppress"

Here is the correct Alcohol switch which will stop the reboot. I will review the others to look for problems.

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