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I was wondering if there was a way to make files using the txtsetup.txt go into the program files directory... i know an can make them go into any dir win the windows directory, but cant find a way of copying files from the i386 in program files.

any help appreciated

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The way to make files and folders be copied into the Program Files dir is to use your $OEM$ folder. Make a folder called $Progs underneath it and places all files and folders here just the way you want them. Then during the install, the contents of that folder gets copied over into the Program Files dir.

All you need to do iw make sure that oempreinstall = yes in your winnt.sif file. For more info see here:



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thanx Pthomas, but i already new this and do it that way...but i have been playing with my xp cd, and so far have been able to move all my file that go into my windows and directories withing windows by using the txtsetup file and putting them into my i386 folder, it all work very well.. even used makecab to compress all the files... now i'm wondering how the files are allocated to the program files dir from the i386 folder.

all my reg setting are in the appropriate HIVE files...all drivers go into the driver cache dir. and all files associtated with my new theme's cursors and sounds, and other stuff, including install files, go into various dirs within C:\windows.

my ultimate goal is to get rid of the $OEM$ folder all together, all thats left in there are the files that go into C:\Program files.

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Ok, wasn't exactly sure what you were doing. ..alright....here's an idea...

In that case, you could create a batch file that would copy the files off of the cd. Although this isn't quite its created purpose, you can use the svcpack.inf file to kick off the batch file. It's normally used for installing updates at the T-13 min or so section...if you've added any previous updates after SP1, you probably have used it a few times already. It should work fine for what you're wanting to do.

Your svcpack.inf file could look like:

[Version]Signature="$Windows NT$"









Put your copyStuff.bat file in the \i386 dir and then you can put the stuff you want in the program files dir under something like:


then all your batch file would need to do is copy files off the "%cdrom%\i386\progFiles" dir to "%systemdrive%\program files"

the %cdrom% variable is probably wrong, there is one for it but im not sure what it is off the top of my head.


You can launch the batch file off on the first logon with GuiRunOnce. Just edit the winnt.sif file with the needed stuff.

Hope that helps a bit more,


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