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FTP ing - Can with server but not with client


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we are running Windows SBS 2000. If i try to ftp using a client I can't. I can get to see the contents of the ftp site but have no luck uploading my files to it. Although, if I use the server itself I have no problems and can upload, delete, files, etc. Is there something I should be doing to make sure clients can ftp?

I have already created the packet filters on the ISA server computer, enabled the ftp access filter and created a protocol rule to allow the ftp protocol and still to no avail.

I have seen on the MS site that if the computer (client) is configured as a Web proxy client only, only FTP downloads are possible. How do I know if it is configured as web proxy client and then change this?

Am I doing something wrong?

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First try: use passive FTP.

If that does not work: What errors do you get? If you cannot upload, it has probably something to do with user rights on the ftp server, but I am not really sure what you mean when you are talking about "client" and "server". You say you are using the "server" to upload files? Can you make that a bit clearer?



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I have a hosting company hosting a website for me. I have all FTP details username, etc. I have just tried accessing the ftp site using wsftp on a machine running W2K Pro and using passive mode with no luck, just a connection error. I also tried it with passive mode turned off.

When I talk about client and server i meant one of the client machines on our internal network and the server running SBS 2000. I have also just tried to log onto the ftp site using the exact same details altough on the server running SBS 2000 and no problems at all.

Even using IE on our server I can upload file to the website with no problems but when i try it on one of the "client" machines I have no luck. I am only able to FTP download

Considering privileges (as have to be administrator to get onto SBS server) I also tried FTP ing on a "client" machine logged on as administrator but to no avail.

It is getting really frustrating. Is this clear enough?

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Yes, I see clearer now.

I assume the client is connected to the internet through your server. And you mentioned Microsoft's ISA server before. Therefore you have to configure its FTP-Proxy and your ftp-client accordingly. (I assume you use a seperate FTP-program, I would recommend it anyway).

After a quick glance at google, you could also use ISA's SOCKS proxy, should save you some hassle if it works at all. If in doubt, search the manual for FTP or SOCKS.



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