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ntoskrnl.exe SP2

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I took a look at that, and i don't understand exactly what I'm supposed to do. I tried using ultra edit to find the default palette, but it said that it couldn't find the string this is what i searched for: 00 00 00 00 15 1A 20 00 46 46 46 00 D2 3E 2D 00 01 65 53 00 05 35 B2 00 7E 7E 7E 00 00 92 89 00 FC 7F 5E 00 20 6B F7 00 FF A6 8D 00 04 DC 8E 00 1B BC F3 00 BC BC BC 00 FC FC FC FF FF FF is this what i should be looking for in the sp2 kernel, cause i can't find it. if not what is the string for the hardcoded palette in the sp2 kernel. thanks

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just do a search (HEX search , not string or the other one) for

00 00 00 00 15 1A 20 00 46 46 46 00 D2 3E 2D 00 01

and that should get you too it.

Also remember that when you edit the pallete..... the format isn't RGB but BGR with 00 spacing each entry.

If you don't find that string above, then you're trying to mod an already altered one, and I suggest you get a fresh copy from I386 or so.

Also be sure to use the right kernel for the right system. (Single Processor kernel vs Multi-Processor Kernel)

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Ok one last thing, how do i find out the palette for my custom image, i tried saving the palette with paint shop pro 8 but when i open it in notepad it is just jibberish, not the numbers i was expecting.

Try saving it as a PSP palette instead of a Microsoft Palette.

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I forgot about those being in decimal. Well, there are two ways to go about this:

1) You can use the Calculator in windows (scientific view) and covert each number. what a pain in the a**.

2) You can go to Edit Palette in PSP and find the actual hex values for each color. They'll be at the bottom. remember, you will have to reverse the order for the custom kernel as Alanoll ponted out.

Select the first color in the edit palette dialogue, reverse those hex pairs:

example: if it's #FFCCEE you will need to use EE CC FF and then add 00 between each color. #F123C6 will convert to C6 23 F1 00, just to be clear...

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