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Hey all NooB here

Guest Commander_Hades

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Guest Commander_Hades

Hey people, well im new to this forum, ive been on alot of others but they were, well, crap. Im CompTia A+, Net+ and thus MCSA qual. Im very skilled at security and win98-xp, wireless tech etc. Well anywayz a bit about me>

21yo, father of one, AMD my CPU choice over Intel, Gig & MSI boards rock and NVidia over Ati. I own a dual proc with PCiXpress, All Giga/MSI concept MoBo, well heaps more but that would be a story.

Fav games: Rise Of Nations, Openlance vs Bushido Myths, Doom3, Counterstrike, Any C&C series and any Resident Evil series.

Im getting my server back online soon, Link removed, illegal content.

Edited by xper
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