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Default User Profile Customising

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What I do is normally install windows and then change windows to how I like it, i.e classic look, max performance settings rather than visual, classic start bar. I then copy this user profile into the default user so that when a new user logs on from the domain, it uses the default profile.

How would I make it so that it creates my default user profile when it installs windows?


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all users should default to classic theme, classic start bar.
Put this section in winnt.sif:

I hope you know how to apply a .reg file at T-13 stage of setup (which is when all customizations applied get done for the default user).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; This will set visual effects to best performance

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I continue from here on, because i'm searching my butt off trough the forum.

My little question here is what you do with all the other tweaks AFTER the cmdlines.txt?

If you use the cmdlines.txt (as stated in the unattended guide from Aaron) for the HKEY_CURRENT_USER to stick and provide the default looks etc. you want, what do you do with the rest of the registry tweaks??

Is there a problem when i also run them from the same T-12 stage or can ALL my registry tweaks apply from here?


I use the registry tweak to accept Adobe eula, but all of my installations are managed thru XPlode and runs from [GuiRunOnce]!

Adobe reader does installation from here, but what will happen with such tweaks? Are they overwritten if applyd from T-12? Or will those kind of tweaks also stick?

Hope its clear what i mean/want, because i hate it to cut up my registry collection.

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I understood what you meant.

Well, you can install all the apps you want; and apply all reg-tweaks you want at T-13 (cmdlines.txt) itself. FYI, that's what I personally prefer and do on my install. XPlode runs fine from cmdlines, but if you want to install Office2003 at T-13, you'll find that you can't. Other than that, everything else runs in the same way.

I don't use GUIrunonce anymore.

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YEAH! thank you, by the looks of the people who are here in this topic reading, there are more of them who had the same question. They were also "sticky" :rolleyes:

This means that ANYTHING run from cmlines.txt will stay, hkcu/hklm etc, will be going to use XPlode from there also, because i like it sooo much.

Only cut out Office2003.

Again, thnx for your nice help, appreciate it. :)

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