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Is the resolution that you change in the Winnt.sif , the one that is in the setup of XP ,or is it the one when you first start windowsXP ( after the setup finishes instaling)?????http://www.msfn.org/board/style_images/1/icon14.gif

Don't you guys have a IRC chanel or something ??


Ok , know i realise that somebody else asked this question , and i'm

sorry for the double post , but i't still does not work for me , even if i put the corect drivers for the graphic board in the winnt.sif file it still is 640x480 . How else can i change it????

And i have set in Winnt.sif 1024x768x32 85 hz


if the monitor hasn't been installed properly yet that won't work... try setting it to 1024x768x32bit @ 60Hz

but then of course you will have to change it once windows has booted

even if i put the corect drivers for the graphic board in the winnt.sif file

do they actually install the drivers correctly?


Yes , after windows finishes instaling the drivers are perfectly instaled

and it is 1024x768x32 whit 85 hz

But during setup it's at 640x480

How can i change the monitor drivers?

I don't have a specific driver for the monitor


i must have mis-understood you...

the winnt.sif settings only apply to windows after installation is finished...

during installation you are stuck with 640x480 @60Hz

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