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Minecraft on HD 4000 under Windows XP


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The Windows 7 install on my T430 corrupted itself and deleted many files out of System32 for seemingly no reason, luckily I had a copy of XP on the laptop and used it for a bit as I was away from home and had no ISOs or sticks with me. I am working on a MC server so I decided I wanted to play MC. I remember 1.12.2 with a resource pack ran somewhat ok under 7 so I figured 1.16,5 with Sodium and whatever would work fine, but it would just freeze the entire laptop requiring me to either reboot or get the end task prompt ready and press enter while it was frozen. I found that if I deleted my settings it would open, but when I joined the server, I got 3-4 FPS on the lowest settings with no shaders and no resource packs.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had a experience like this and if they know a fix or a workaround. I'm using the newest drivers I could find for the HD 4000.

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from my experience of using the 4000 on xp (on my old e6430) it worked really well for up to 1.16 and got at least 60fps on max settings so it is possible to do you just have to do some adjusting and it should work

Edited by legacyfan
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I'm wondering if it's the XP drivers, it's a known fact that Intel Windows drivers suck, but I didn't think the XP drivers would be like this. I'll get around to installing 8.1 on it soon and report back.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

I finally got around to this again, gameplay is at 5 FPS basically lowest. I press F1 and FPS shoots up to the 30s-40s. The more text or whatever gets displayed the worse the frame rate gets. Doesn't make sense.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I made a post about this on my forum, however I'll basically summarize everything I've learned into this post.

It doesn't appear to be text, at least going by the language menu which has a pretty high FPS, it's the drawing of menu items that causes the slowness, different menus with more boxes lower the FPS.

I tried this on a 3770K desktop and saw the same issues as the laptop.

Here's a video from the desktop showing what happens in game.

Here's the FPS fluctuating in menus.

I went and tried the HD 4600 to see what it would do, but discovered an even more wack issue. I think it's hardware specific, but since it's unrelated to this topic, I won't go into it.

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So I tried these driver versions, and saw no difference.


Edited by K4sum1
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