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Integrating Drivers into Windows Iso

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Merhalabar masters, first of all, happy ramadan, I am trying to prepare iso by myself, but I am stuck in the update and driver integration part. I am trying to integrate the updates manually, but the image I tried does not accept it, thanks in advance if there is a detailed guide or a master who can explain.

Note: the iso with usb 3.0 driver integrated in the forum, but I want to go a little further and integrate Nvidia or Amd driver.

2.Note: Sorry if I opened the topic in the wrong place, dear admin, I will ask your friends to move it to the necessary place.

How can I integrate silent update into this code, it should work, I want to add it in the program, it doesn't work for me

@echo off Start /wait %WINDIR%\setup\1.exe Start /wait %WINDIR%\setup\2.exe Start /wait %WINDIR%\setup\3.exe ECHO. ECHO Deleting Temp Installation Files... RD /S /Q %systemdrive%\Apps del /q /f "%0" EXITIf you take a video, it doesn't work for me, the brand is asustek p8h61-mx and acer aspire 5736z for laptop does not work codes windows 10 pro 21h2 x64 iso entegre

Edited by eskehacettepe
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