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Hey i need help with something, i made a batch file making applications install silently and i'm using windows 2000 on a virtual machine for this to work but after setup it didn't got installed and i don't know what i got wrong.

So please tell me what i got wrong i'm a beginner in this.

Here what i wrote in the batch file:

@echo off
title Installing your favorite applications

echo We're now installing your favorite applications and games that you use or play everday
echo So this will take a few minutes, while this is happening go take a break or do something
echo When this is done you can experience the classic days of computers

echo Installing Programs...

echo Installing 7Zip 3.13
echo Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\7zip313.exe /silent /norestart 

echo Installing VLC 0.7.2
echo Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\vlc-0.7.2-win32.exe /silent

echo Installing Opera 5.01
echo Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\Opera501.exe /silent

echo Installing The Gimp 2.4.0
echo Please wait...
start /wait %systemdrive%\install\thegimp240.exe /silent



Thank you.


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