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Help: Repair Powersaving Sleepstate via Shedule?


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as i have written bevore in some Threads, i/me (and others) have a big problem with the Powersaving Options since Win7 - on Xp it was perfect!



My PC should render something, over night/weekend, but should go to standyby, after the job is done!



1) If i choose the Maximum Speed Setting in Poweroptions, the PC does its Job, finish the Render, but its still running in the morning/after the weekend... (at its full Core Speed...) ;(

2) If i choose the Maximum Power Saving Options, Windows break the Render (the 100% Usage on all Cores will be ignored) and it falls into sleep - GRRRR!

3) CPU Throtteling in Idle is only avaiable on the 2 Power Saving Schemes (there is no reason, why a CPU should run with Full-GHZ in Idle, so i am stick to that Schemes!)


Possible Solutions: (they should be CPU-Usage friendly)

A) I am thinking about using a Sheduled Task, that prevent the Sleepmode as long as the CPU/ or my "render.exe" runs at 100%, until it is in idle!

B) Removing the User-Interactive-Mode (mouse moving/keyboard) and restore the CPU-Usage model via reg... - Possible ?

C) Maybe ad the render.exe to the list of services, Starttype Manual, that prevent shutdown ?



I have absolutly no idea how to do it, and i dont wanna install Windows XP (the only solution i got so far...) - if someone know a different solution, would be glad, to hear it! (Fixed Timers/Extra Progs, that Prevent Shutdown, for a fixed amount of time, doesnt help, cause a prognosted rendertime like 4h could be easy take 7h in real, the IDLE State/CPU Usage must be used as a signal, but i don´t know, how...


thx, for your help


Edited by R4D3
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