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password sync lags behind


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I have a server2008r2 in a test environment along with a Win7,8 and some opensuse 13.1 machines and I want to make a unified logon system with password sync and everything.

on the 2008 I have an AD, NIS, NFS and Windows share server and the problem is that when I want to use the password sync from AD to NIS I have the problem that the sync lags one password behind.

when I create a user with no pasword and change the passwords to password A B and C each being a different password I pretty much get the following

password used- login on windows - Unix

<empty> - cant login -> ypcat passwd gives some "random" string out that is no hash or anything "ABCD!efgh12345$67890" to be exact (withou quotes)

A- A - cant login ("dead hash" from above)

B - B - can login with A md5/crypt from A

B (again) - B - can login with B (md5/crypt)

C - C - can login with B (md5/crypt)


and so on, in short when windows had the 11th password change, linux gets the 10th password, or always the one before the change, so to make it consistent, you'd have to change your password twice -> annoying as hell


what could be at fault for this?

could it be the fact that this thing only has 2GB of RAM (not funny, I know, butI cant change it for this test env)


UPdate: I actually got some ram for it and it seemingly resolves th issues.

Edited by My1
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