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Windows Media Player 9 File Associations

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Why doesn't WMP 9 associate itself with all the normal files automatically? Everytime i click on a file (music or movie) it opens like a "open with.." program and makes me select an app? Shouldn't it auto-associate itself on silent install? Maybe i'm missing something...


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after silent install

when u first run wmp it should ask u for which extentions u want.

and other stuff like, agree to eula etc.

not sure about this ---=> part if u didn't see that confirmation window u probably added more switch to it or something and u might be needing to add those associations with reg.

what other music/movie program did u install? maybe they fought for associations and at the end it was a draw and none of them wanted the associations :rolleyes: (so fair play won :))

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I had the very same problem, even after I told it to "Always use the selected program.......". It would still prompt me to select a program and it was driving me just a little nuts. Anyway I found and squashed the problem and now I have piece of mind.

Heres what I did.

Go to Explorer, Tools, then Folder Options.

Click on File Types and scroll down to the extention you want, AVI for example.

Select it and then click the advanced button.

Select Open and click edit, now remove the switch I've highlighted in bold from the "application used to perform action" dialog

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /prefetch:8 /Open "%L"

this shold leave it looking like this

"C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /Open "%L"

Click OK and do the same for Play

Now hopefully clicking an AVI file will open it in WMP, rather than asking you for a program. Just apply this to any extentions that are causing you grief.

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Thanks, i fixed the .AVI problem, but there is no advanced button on mp3 files?!

Believe me everyone i've tried it all! It even says WMP under mp3 associations. I used some reg tweaks to automatically accept EULA and setup the quicklaunch icon, so i'm sure it's the culprit :)

Here's the code:



For some reason it's working but the file associations aren't :rolleyes:

Please Help

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here's my mp3 with mplayer

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


@="MP3 Format Sound"










@="\"d:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:6 /Open \"%L\""











@="\"d:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:6 /Play \"%L\""

that value in Muiverb is "@%SystemRoot%\inf\unregmp2.exe,-9991"

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"Content Type"="audio/mpeg"






also I've advanced under mp3

here's what u can do unless these don't work

go to regedit and under classes delete .mp3 and mp3file

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