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[How To] Disable Office 2013 First Run registry tweak, plus config.xml

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Not sure if this tweak has been posted before since it's a bit different from the one of Office 2010, I saw this tweak from Office 2013 Administrative Templates(admx) days ago.

For Office 2013

; Disable Office First Run
; Disable First Run movie

; Disable First Run Opt-in Wizard

;Trust Center - Privacy Options - "Sign up for the Customer Experience Improvemet Program" - Disabled

For Office 2010

; Disable First Run Opt-in Wizard

;Trust Center - Privacy Options - "Sign up for the Customer Experience Improvemet Program" - Disabled

Personally I prefer using config.xml for Office 2013 deployment to the method of using OCT, due to its scriptable and fast-editing capability, here's the sample of config.xml for those who are intereted.

To invoke, navigate to Office install source and run

setup.exe /config config.xml

As for me, a batch is used to implement multi-architecture deployment based on computer name.

CD /D "%~dp032bit"
IF /I %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% == amd64 CD /D "%~dp064bit"
setup.exe /config "%~dp0%COMPUTERNAME%.xml"


<Configuration Product="ProPlusr">

<Display Level="basic" CompletionNotice="no" SuppressModal="yes" AcceptEula="yes" />

<AddLanguage Id="en-us" ShellTransform="yes"/>

<AddLanguage Id="zh-cn" />

<!-- <Logging Type="standard" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Professional Plus Setup(*).txt" /> -->

<USERNAME Value="blah" />

<COMPANYNAME Value="blah" />

<PIDKEY Value="Office product key with no hyphen" />

<!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> -->

<!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> -->

<!-- <LIS SOURCELIST="[/size][url="file://\\server1\share\Office;\\server2\share\Office"][size="2"]\\server1\share\Office;\\server2\share\Office[/size][/url][size="2"]" /> -->

<!-- <DistributionPoint Location="[/size][url="file://\\server\share\Office"][size="2"]\\server\share\Office[/size][/url][size="2"]" /> -->

<OptionState Id="ACCESSFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="EXCELFiles" State="local" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="XDOCSFiles" State="local" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="LyncCoreFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="OneNoteFiles" State="local" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="OUTLOOKFiles" State="local" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="PPTFiles" State="local" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="PubPrimary" State="absent" Children="force" />
<!--SkyDrive Pro-->
<OptionState Id="GrooveFiles2" State="local" Children="force" />
<!--Visio Viewer-->
<OptionState Id="VisioPreviewerFiles" State="absent" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="WORDFiles" State="local" Children="force" />
<!--Shared Files-->
<OptionState Id="SHAREDFiles" State="local" Children="force" />
<OptionState Id="TOOLSFiles" State="local" Children="force" />

<Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="never" />

<!-- <Command Path="%windir%\system32\msiexec.exe" Args="/i [/size][url="file://\\server\share\my.msi"][size="2"]\\server\share\my.msi[/size][/url][size="2"]" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> -->


Edited by Rico.JohnnY
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