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Windows 7 Msu Update Scripts Please!


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Thanks my friend and how do i make the script? i mean i know how but do i only need to insert the command line you gave me save it as vbs or cmd or bat file and it works? or what?

and can you give me a CAB Installer using pkgmgr.exe

Edited by DuduMan
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Sorry, forgot to add that. Save as CMD file in the directory with the patches. If you need to put it somewhere else adjust the dir cmd inside the single quotes. You can run the dir cmd by itself and see the order that they will install in and that they are found. I haven't needed to use pkgmgr but you should be able to do something similar. You can check technet for the switches associated with pkgmgr. Package manager command line options

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Sorry, my bad.

for /f %i in ('dir /a /b *.msu') do wusa.exe "%i" /quiet

If you run just the dir /a /b *.msu you should see a listing of the files, if run from another directory it should include the path in the name, but no other details will be with the file like time stamp etc.

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none of of what you said works i tried putting the command line in a cmd file copied it to the updates dir and it still shows the dos window and dissapears

I think somethings missing it the cmd

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thats what i did before and now i changed dir and its the same

by the way my friend i changed this ('dir /a /b *.msu') to this (dir /a /b *.msu) and removed the other commands and it listed the updates like you said but the installment dont work cause somethings wrong in this command line can you fix it my friend?

I have this

@echo off

for /f "skip=1" %%A in ('dir /b *.msu') do (
echo Installing Update "%%A" ...
start /wait %%A /quiet /norestart > nul

echo ###########################################################
echo Updates are installed
echo Press any key to reboot
pause >NUL
shutdown -r -t 0

it works but its not installing very good and its not wusa thats why its not good

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@echo off

for /f "skip=1" %%A in ('dir /b *.msu') do (
echo Installing Update "%%A" ...
start "" /wait WUSA %%A /quiet /norestart > nul

echo ###########################################################
echo Updates are installed
echo Press any key to reboot
pause >NUL
shutdown -r -t 0

Try this, changed the start command line.

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Thank you very much my friend now it works

Say can you make me a command line for installing CAB files from this command?

start /w pkgmgr /ip /m:c:\cab

it works but its not showing me what it installs Can you please make me one that does?

Edited by DuduMan
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