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Hello All,

Have done a search and couldn't find what i was after.

I recall once that to get Office 2003 installed at runonceex.cmd you needed to add some reg keys to the tweak.reg files so you wouldn't get an error.

I have lost these and can't find them on here.

Does anybody have these please?



I've never come across any .reg tweaks around the forum, but why not do an unattended install with the Office 2003 Resource Kit (ORK)? You probably know it's easy to do, has many advantages, has been discussed plenty of times, it can be run from RunOnce(Ex) and there are absolutely no errors.

ORK download here http://download.microsoft.com/download/0/e/d/0eda9ae6-f5c9-44be-98c7-ccc3016a296a/ork.exe



cheers spoiled.

yep, already using the ork to generate the .mst file

i looked through many old threads, and found ref to deleting the error reporting keys.

i also don't slipstream in the ServicePacks, and weirdly these produce a confirmation box at the end even though the command is correct.

will test some more and see what happens.

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