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How do I change Admin name ?

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I've been trying to do a lightweight clean install of XP SP3 on a fresh HD for my laptop. So far I've tried 5 different nLite builds and each one becomes unstable at some point so i'm going to try to build an install ISO manually by using the Unattended Guide. I think I have all the steps figured out except one: When I used nLite I was able to edit the Administrator account name and substitute my name so that i'm not adding an extra user act and i'm able to logon using my act name with Admin privileges. Can any of you tell me how I can do that manually?


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Secpol.msc > Local Policies > Security Options > Rename Administrator Account


Thanks for you reply, MrJinje. 

Let me clarify. What I want to do is be able to install XP w/ my user act already in place which will replace the  "Administrator" folder so I still have the same # of acts.  My experience so far of renaming the Admin act after install is that the  "Administrator" folder does not get renamed and the OS won't let me do it.

I can do this using nLite and i'm hoping to learn how to do it manually by tweaking one or more files before I build the ISO.


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Gotcha, what I would try is to integrate this setting during the T-12 stage (cmdlines.txt) and using an altered security template that changes the Adminstrator name.


In that example I advised the user to use the runonceex. But in your case you need to run it before first login (and before Administrator is created), so that you can login using your desired name on first boot.

FYI, the way to accomplish that on a live machine, is to

1) change "Administrator" name to "laffin" via secpol.msc or other method.

2) create a second admin account "Tom"

3) login with that new "Tom" account

4) delete the existing "Administrator" folder.

5) log out, and log back in with new "laffin" name. Thus creating a "laffin" folder

6) Finally Delete the "Tom" account, it is no longer needed.

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FYI, the way to accomplish that on a live machine, is to

1) change "Administrator" name to "laffin" via secpol.msc or other method.

2) create a second admin account "Tom"

3) login with that new "Tom" account

4) delete the existing "Administrator" folder.  

5) log out, and log back in with new "laffin" name.  Thus creating a "laffin" folder  

6) Finally Delete the "Tom" account, it is no longer needed.

Thanks for all your help, MrJinje. I think i've got it.

In step # 4 above Explorer will allow me to delete the existing C:\D&S\Admin folder? 


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In step # 4 above Explorer will allow me to delete the existing C:\D&S\Admin folder? 

Yes, as long as you are logged in using a different account. (so the folder is not in use)

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In step # 4 above Explorer will allow me to delete the existing C:\D&S\Admin folder?

Yes, as long as you are logged in using a different account. (so the folder is not in use)

Just a caution for other who might read this thread:

This procedure for renaming your Admin act on a live system (as clearly explained by MrJinje in post #4) works as advertised but be aware that even though the Admin act has been renamed XP will not apply your HKCU hive to your new folder and ALL of your existing settings will be gone. Obviously this is not a problem on a new install if you begin by renaming your act but on a fully configured system it might come as a nasty surprise. I tried this on my current system (after making an image of C:) and didn't try backing up my HKCU hive and importing it into the renamed act so I don't know if that would work or not. Also tried creating a "laffin" folder and copying over the contents of the Admin folder between steps #3 & #4 but when I logged in as "laffin" I found that the OS had bypassed the folder I made for it and created a "laffin.NC6400" folder instead.


Edited by laffinboy
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