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intel 915g driver install problems and soundmax volume loudness to qui


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I have a dell gx280 with Intel 915G. This computer is triple boot with XP Pro SP3, Vista Ult SP2, Win 7 Ult.

XP - no problems with 915G driver being installed and being shown in device manager ,and no problem with the

soundmax driver volume being set to 100 percent loudness and trying to play something such that it is very loud as


Vista - no problems with 915 G driver being installed and being shown in device manager correctly.

Windows 7 - The same 915 G driver is being installed for Win 7 but it aborts with an error message

saying it can't copy this file to the system32 directory. I'm also administrator here and have even

enabled the Adminstrator account and logged into it to try and install it. Here's the error message

in the install log file. Note1: You'll see WINVISTA in the log file below. This is because it is using the

Win 7 compatibility install feature set to VISTA SP2. It doesn't matter which version of Vista or XP I select

for the compatibility install, it errors out at the same spot and reason that it can't copy the file although the

file exists in the temp directory.


Matched HardwareID = PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2782

Matched HardwareID = PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_2582

Installed Driver = {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}\0000

{INF Info}

Current INF = J:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pft9E84~tmp\HDMI\IntcHdmi.inf

Date = 12/06/2006

Version =

ClassGUID = {4d36e96c-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}

PackageInfo.Name =

PackageInfo.Sequence = 0

PackageInfo.INFSource =

Manufacturer = Intel,NT.6.0,NTx86.5.1

Resolved Manufacturer = Intel.NTx86.5.1

Description: Intel® High Definition Audio HDMI

HardwareID = HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1095&DEV_1390

Description: Intel® High Definition Audio HDMI

HardwareID = HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1095&DEV_1392

Description: Intel® High Definition Audio HDMI

HardwareID = HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_17E8&DEV_0047

[Manditory Filters]

[Filter Active]

Removed INF = J:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pft9E84~tmp\HDMI\IntcHdmi.inf

[Filter 4ID]


Windows Version = WINVSTA

Windows Version = WINVSTA

[Cleanup Previous]

Using RegDeleteKeyExA

Using RegDeleteKeyExA

Using RegDeleteKeyExA


Wait for event was signaled propertly.

Opened IIF2.ini

[Filter INI Conditions]

Skipped INI element = copy file

Skip Condition = IsWoW

Skipped INI element = copy file

Skip Condition = IsWoW

Windows Version = WINVSTA



New Uninstall Key = copyfile0

Copy File Source = J:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pft9E84~tmp\setup.exe

Copy File Destination = J:\Windows\system32\igxpun.exe

Copy File Source = J:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\pft9E84~tmp\difxapi.dll

Copy File Destination = J:\Windows\system32\difxapi.dll

!!! ERROR 5: CopyFile generated an unexpected error.

<<< 12/25/2009 17:03:23:245

NOTE: I noticed that most of the directories under c:\windows (including windows) are owned by

TrustedInstaller; however, under windows 7 it just shows an "S-xxxx-....." number and no name. If I try

to change the ownership and select advanced and 'find' to try to find the TrustedInstaller' name there is

no such name to try and assign to see if this will make a difference in installing the latest 915G driver

from intel. The latest driver version I'm trying to install is Intel filename. After installing

in Vista it shows;moreover, intel says the default that MSoft uses is and which

intel states is the 14.17.4656 driver per their website. However, I'm trying to install 4764.

VISTA/Windows 7 -

I've installed two sound max driver types for the AC 97 chipset that Dell uses on the gx280.

Dells soundmax_V5.12.1.7010A25.exe (R145551) and Realteks latest version 6305 for AC 97 from

www.realtek.com download website. Either one will install, but when I set the volume control to

100% and hit the volume bar or run a DVD movie with volume also at 100%, the volume is very

low coming out of the PC builtin speakers. (about 5% or less. However, when I test out the stereo

part of the volume control under the volume properties area for left and right speakers at 100%, the volume is the correct loudness of (loud). I've even checked the box for left/right front speakers since I don't have surround sound. Thus, how to correct this also?

Edited by mikesw
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