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Vista dual boot (2 partitions) and WAIK problems.


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I have 1 pc with 2 partitions and Windows Vista installed on each one. I

used bcdedit to configure the dual boot using Windows Vista boot menu. It

works perfectly.

I need to clone it to other 15 computers. I'm trying to use the WAIK kit.

The 15 compuerts have the same hardware.

On the original computer I did...

I booted the original PC with the Windows PE CD.

net use z: \\server\recoruce

imagex / capture c: z: \ Imege.wim "View A" / verify

imagex / append d: z: \ Imege.wim "Vista B" / verify

Then on the target computer I used the Windows Vista DVD to create and

format 2 partitions on the hard drive and then I left the installation of

windows Vista.

Then I booted the computer with the Windows PE CD and typed

net use z: \\server\recoruce

imagex / apply z: \ Imege.wim 1 c:

imagex / apply z: \ Imege.wim 2 d:

Restarting the computer the Vista dual boot menu has not been maintained and

the computer is not able to boot. Gets a black screen and the cursor


I can view using the PE environment the files has ben copied to both

partitions but can not rebuild the boot menu.

The 15 pcs will join a domain so I'll have to make the sysprep but first I

wanted to have solved the problem of dual boot.

What am I doing wrong?.

Thank you very much everybody.

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Hello I am relativity new windows image deployment, but a network infostructure I was working in at one point used this technique I ran the image everything worked perfect but when I tried to boot the PC I just imaged boot failed I when in and found a hidden partion that was not on the original machine I made the image of I deleted the partion and windows booted normally. Hope this helps.

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