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CPU Usage @ 100% When Resuming From Standby


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CPU usage goes to 100% whenever my machine resumes from standby. Opening most apps then takes about 10-35 seconds. Rebooting drops CPU usage to 6% or less and everything is back to normal. It remains that way until the machine goes back into standby and is awakened again.

Event Viewer shows no warnings or errors. I have Process Explorer installed and I can see that svchost.exe is using 85-100% of the CPU on resume, but I'm not well versed with PE so I'm not sure where to go from there.

My system:

CPU: AMD 64 3000+

Motherboard: Asus A8N5X

HD: 160 Gb Seagate ST3200826AS

Video Card: Asus/GeForce 6600GT

Ram: 1 Gb

OS: XP Home SP3

Any help is appreciated... :)

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When the problem is occurring, you can mouse over that particular svchost.exe in Process Explorer and it will show you what services are running under that svchost.exe, or view the properties and it's in the Service tab. You can tell us what the services are.. as for which service is using the CPU PE doesn't break them down by cpu usage so you'll have to stop or restart them one by one, but not all services can be stopped.

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Most of those are essential for networking..

Server and Workstation depend on Computer Browser, so if you disable those two you should be able to disable Computer Browser. Server is for allowing other computers connect to yours, Workstation vice versa.

Remote Access Connection Manager depends on Telephony.

Network Connections depends on the Windows Firewall service (I'd disable Windows Firewall only if you have another firewall or are behind a router)

Windows Time has no dependencies and just syncs the time automatically to an internet server.

Are you up to date on your drivers?

I found this but this is for SP2 and should already be fixed in SP3: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/903737

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Googling led me to try deleting my host file, as it had over 100,000 entries (I'm using Hostsman). The current size is now 15,000. This seems to have "fixed" the problem for now, but I'll have to use it for awhile to be sure.

I recently updated my audio & video drivers, but will check others and will also try stopping Services again using your suggestions if the problem returns.

Thanks for referring me to the Hotfix. It looks like it does address the problem, although the percentage of CPU that svchost.exe uses isn't gradual. When it starts happening - and it might be immediately after resume or it might be 10 minutes later - it always hits 85-100% all of a sudden.

I don't see a mention of the Hotfix in Service Pack 3; maybe it wasn't included. There's no working download link for the Hotfix either, so apparently you have to contact Microsoft to get it.

Well see if the hosts fix sticks. I'll keep you posted... B)

Edited by syfer
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Well that didn't last long - it's back to the same problem again :(

I tried stopping services as per your suggestions and got it down to four: http://i891.photobucket.com/albums/ac112/r..._shutdown_2.jpg ...You can see the error I got when I tried to stop RasMan. TapiSrv came up saying that the service depended on RasMan and could not be stopped (as you said), so have a catch-22 there. Windows Time indicated in Services that it was stopping, but never did.

I appreciate your assistance and will keep investigating...

Edited by syfer
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