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Posted (edited)

I just got my copy of Vista business *64 together with a new harddrive and everything runs fine but I am puzzled by the UAC; if I set an application to run with admin privileges I still get asked every single time if I agree with that (some particular software runs at stratup). How can I set up that application or any other to run with admin privileges every time without nag screens?

Edited by ND22


Not without 3rd party software. Telling a package to run as admin, if you aren't logged in with the local admin account, will still require an elevation prompt and consent. Only the local Administrator account gets a "full" user token and is a *real* admin. Every other account, even other administrative accounts, are not granted a full permissions token when logging on, and must "consent" to UAC that you want to be granted that full token to run an application with full admin privileges. Note that you will get the same behavior in Win7 as well, and this is how UAC works (think su in *nix), and if you do not wish to be bothered then either use the actual Administrator account, or disable UAC.


I don't want to disable UAC because I think it's a step in the good direction; all I want it's to be able to "tweak" it the way i see fit.


As an after-thought if I use a limited account with uac disable wouldn't have the same effect or better than using the administrator account with uac turned on?

Posted (edited)

All accounts in Vista run as "Limited". The difference is that an Administrator account only asks for permission to elevate - the Limited account makes you enter an Administrator's user name and password in order to get permission to elevate.

Norton had a UAC beta that seemed to head in this direction - but I haven't seen it recently and can't seem to locate a link for it.

Sticky on UAC located here: http://www.msfn.org/board/guide-uac-cancel...ts-t120552.html

Edited by usasma

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