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Application Switches! How to scan installs for switches?

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Hi i want to make addons for nlite but i am having difficulties finding a an program to scan the setup.exe files for possible switches the install package may provide. Ive read hundreds of pages about this but none point me in the right direction when it comes to finding the switches available in the install package. There was a program on this site CMENU but when i downloaded it it had viruses on it so i refuse to use that. Can someone help PLease?? Cheers in advance

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Ummmmm i have searched hundreds of threads all through this forum & many others but none point me in the right direction when it comes to finding the install package switches contained in each package...i need to be able to scan any install package for possible switches on an individual bases....if you can understand. I really would like as much help & advice on the matter as it is possible by my readiongs but none tell me what software i can use to do this. But cheers anyhow, ill keep looking & hope someone can help me out

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Heres an example for you i have tried to do a addon pack for firefox 3.5.2 & everywere says tio use silent switch /S but this does not work in nlite but the switch -ms -ira works to some degree but still causes issues because the program needs a switch to stop wanting to restart windows....now im not very good at knowing what this switch actually means but its kind of working

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Thanks for that but ive tried it on several packages & all it does is give common switches for silent installs, i need to be able to view all the available switches for the install packages. Then i can build custom addons for my windows builds

Like I said earlier "there is NO one-stop shop for switches" You are stuck with that the application installs forum and places like appdeploy.com...

All of us have done alot of work to give you what meterial there is available you are just going to have to do some footwork (or, err I mean finger-work)

The last time I used FireFox you needed the install packages from within the installer. They can be found by opening your %tempo% dir and starting the install.

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Once again thank you very much for your help i am continuing to search about the matter. I have also had no issue in extrating the firefox install package but i still just cant quiet crack the complete switches i need to finish the package does anyone know what the switch -ms -irs means &/or what kind of installer it belongs too??

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I tried that & it actually works thanks heaps dont know were i got the -ira from now all i need to know is whats the best software for extracting install packages to make the addons. Some .exe files wont extract with 7zip & such WinRAR or even .msi packages any ideas anyone???

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